The Word Revolution – 31st July, 2016


Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be. {Job 8:7  NIV} Gods Prophetic Word – Because better is the end of a thing than the beginning, even though your beginning can be best described as small or humble for which there is nothing much to be desired and maybe it has …

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The Word Revolution – 30th July, 2016


Today we continue our series on – Amazing Stories of Love. Movies constantly bombard us with unrealistic expectations of love. Sometimes Real life presents some relationships as poor, brutish, and short. But there’s no need to feel bad or be afraid of true love, Read on to restore your faith in true love. Sometimes, …

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The Word Revolution – 29th July, 2016


Salvation by Faith Part V Challenges are intended to help us climb higher on the ladder of success and trust God better with our faith, if we use them well as stepping stones and not as obstacles. Our scriptural focus for today states – For when I tried to keep the law, it condemned …

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The Word Revolution – 28th July, 2016


Salvation by Faith Part IV Attitude is the fire in your bones that keeps you focused on your purpose or cripples your progress in life. Attitude has the capacity to fuel your dreams or destroy your hope, pay great attention to your attitude. Our scriptural focus for today states – Rather, I am a …

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The Word Revolution – 26th July, 2016


Salvation by Faith Part III As a child of God, you have been divinely appointed by Christ to be His representative here on earth, do not for any reason in the world misuse this great privilege. Our scriptural focus for today states – But what if we trust Christ to save us and then …

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The Word Revolution – 25th July, 2016


Salvation By Faith Part II Whenever you allow the devil to keep you busy thinking about life, always remember this – No amount of guilty can change the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future. Our scriptural focus for today states – Yet we know that a person is made right …

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The Word Revolution – 24th July, 2016


But the Lord said to Joshua, “I have given you Jericho, its king, and all its strong warriors. {Jos 6:2  NLT} God’s Prophetic Word – The gates and walls of the city of Jericho was well fortified by all human standard to prevent God’s people from possessing the land and fulfilling  God’s promise, but …

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The Word Revolution – 23rd July, 2016


Today we continue our series on – Amazing Stories of Love. Movies constantly bombard us with unrealistic expectations of love. Sometimes Real life presents some relationships as poor, brutish, and short. But there’s no need to feel bad or be afraid of true love, Read on to restore your faith in true love. Ann …

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The Word Revolution – 22nd July, 2016


Salvation by Faith Part I Sometimes in the cause of your earthly pilgrimage, God takes away something’s you never expected losing, and replaces them with things you never expected you will have. Our scriptural focus for today states – Yet we know that a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus …

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The Word Revolution – 21st July, 2016


The Effects of Compromise Part IV The limitations and successes you experience in life is based on your expectations and mindset. Whatever the mind/heart dwells upon, the entire body works to achieve it. Our scriptural focus for today states – You and I are Jews by birth, not ‘sinners’ like the Gentiles. {Gal 2:15  …

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