The Word Revolution – 20th December, 2016


Faith Expressed in Love Part II Always remember that God is for you, and surely He will not allow any situation in your life, that He has not already programmed to work together for your good. Our scriptural focus for today states –  For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, there is …

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The Word Revolution – 19th December, 2016


Faith Expressed in Love Part I Beloved worries does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows or pains, rather it is a strategy of the devil to empty you of the divine strength the Holy Spirit supplies for each day’s victorious living. Our scriptural focus for today – For when we place our faith in …

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The Word Revolution – 18th December, 2016


Write this letter to the angel of the church in Philadelphia. This is the message from the one who is holy and true, the one who has the key of David. What he opens, no one can close; and what he closes, no one can open. {Rev 3:7  NLT} Gods Prophetic Word – We …

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The Word Revolution – 17th December, 2016


Today we continue our series on – Steps To Achieving Excellence. Before we continue, Excellence is the quality of being excellent in the things you do. It is natural for humans to  constantly speak in admiration of those who are excellent in whatever they do. These could be students who achieved academic excellence, successful business …

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The Word Revolution – 16th December, 2016


Christ The Liberator Part V If you want to always be in the will of God for your life, then you must always allow your mind/spirit to run your body. Never allow your body tell your mind/spirit what to do. Our scriptural focus for today states – But we who live by the Spirit …

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The Word Revolution – 15th December, 2016


Christ The Liberator Part IV The person who lives his/her daily life worrying will always be consumed by the fear of the unknown, and will equally find it difficult to trust God through His word. Our scriptural focus for today states – For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by …

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The Word Revolution – 14th December, 2016


Christ The Liberator Part III We can trust hearing God’s voice through Christ, because all of God’s estate has been committed to Christ to ensure that humans live the God kind of life here on earth. Our scriptural focus for today states – I’ll say it again. If you are trying to find favor …

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The Word Revolution – 13th December, 2016


Christ The Liberator Part II Don’t allow your fear of the past affect the outlook of your future. Live for what tomorrow has to offer your life and not what yesterday may have taken away. Our scriptural focus for today states – Listen! I, Paul, tell you this: If you are counting on circumcision …

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The Word Revolution – 12th December, 2016


Christ The Liberator Part I Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price of dying for our sins, so that we may gain the ultimate privilege of a personal relationship with Him here on earth and an eternity with God. Our scriptural focus for today states – So Christ has truly set us free. Now make …

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The Word Revolution – 10th December, 2016


Today we continue our series on – Steps To Achieving Excellence. Before we continue, What is Excellence – It is the quality of being excellent in the things you do. It is natural for humans to  constantly speak in admiration of those who are excellent in whatever they do. These could be students who achieved …

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