Hephzibah Leadership Center – Summary of Last Monday's Bible Study on WhatsApp.


Topic: Unity In Diversity Part 2 Question 1 – Is there any believer in the body of Christ that is without a gift? The scriptural standard is that every believer in Christ has at least a spiritual endowment, ability or potentials called – gift. So it will be wrong for any believer …

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The Word Revolution – 31st July, 2017


Living Right Part I Beloved, let your love and concern for other believers and especially for sinners be a replica of the love of Christ for humanity that made Him willingly sacrificed all for our redemption. Our scriptural focus for today states – For though I am far away from you, my heart is …

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The Word Revolution – 30th July, 2017


God’s Mysterious Plan Part III Beloved, learn to always be strong and very courageous in the face of circumstances that present themselves against your faith and confidence in Christ. Our scriptural focus for today states – I am telling you this so no one will deceive you with well-crafted arguments. {Col 2:4 NLT} The …

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The Word Revolution – 29th July, 2017


God’s Mysterious Plan Part II Beloved child of God, even when it becomes difficult to keep your hope in Christ alive as you await the fulfilment of His promises, don’t stop hoping, keep believing in Christ, you will not be ashamed. Our scriptural focus for today states –  In him lie hidden all the …

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The Word Revolution – 26th July, 2017


God’s Mysterious Plan Part I Beloved child of God, you have been made right in the sight of God through the blood of Christ, quit trying to be made right before God through your works, just receive what Christ has offered you. Our scriptural focus for today states – In him lie hidden …

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Wisdom For Living


Beloved child of God no matter what confronts you in any area of your life, be confident of this that your hope in Christ will never lead to disappointment, because God loves you very dearly, so He gave you the Holy Spirit to guarantee your success in life. Decision – Stay connected to the …

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Hephzibah Leadership Center – Summary of Last Monday's Bible Study on WhatsApp.


Topic: Daily Christian Living – Unity In Diversity Part I Text: Rm 12: 4 – 6 {NLT} Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, So it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. In his …

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The Word Revolution – 24th July, 2017


Standing In Prayer Part V Beloved, if situations of life are going against your believe, don’t accept it as God’s will for you rather remember that God created you to fulfill a divine purpose here on earth. Our scriptural focus for today states – I want them to be encouraged and knit together by …

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The Word Revolution – 23rd July, 2017


Standing In Prayer Part IV Beloved, it is your personal responsibility to ensure that your believe system, standards for living, goals/visions and actions are not a product of the world system but the scriptures. Our scriptural focus for today states – I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of …

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The Word Revolution – 22nd July, 2017


Standing In Prayer Part III Beloved, truth is eternal and everlasting, it will outlive every form of falsehood the devil brings on this earth therefore build your life on the truth of God’s word. Our scriptural focus for today states – I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of …

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