The Word Revolution – 4th January, 2018


Family Relationship Part V The plan of the redemption of the human race from the bondage and slavery of the devil was conceived and delivered on the platform of love. Our scriptural focus for today states – Husbands, love your wives be affectionate and sympathetic with them and do not be harsh or bitter or …

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The Word Revolution – 2nd January, 2018


Family Relationship Part IV Beloved, as representives of Christ on this earth, always bear in mind that the Bible and the lifestyle of Christ is our standard in whatever we do. Our scriptural focus for today states – Husbands, love your wives be affectionate and sympathetic with them and do not be harsh or bitter …

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The Word Revolution – 1st January, 2018


Family Relationship Part III The divine principle of Submission in marriage is the foundation for love, harmony, peace, purpose and fulfilment in any home. Our scriptural focus for today states – Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord. {Col 3:18 NLT} As representatives of Christ here on …

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