Wisdom For Living


Another antidote to discouragement and depression is to Dream Again. If your plans and aspirations are not succeeding the way you intended, instead of allowing discouragement and depression take over your life, why not Dream Again, why not change your strategy. The road to success is not a straight jacket road, there will always be …

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Wisdom For Living


Discouragement and Depression are two negative vices that tries to take over your heart/mind when your plans and aspirations did not succeed as you thought it should. If you open up yourself to these negative vices, they will destroy your joy and make you a person of sorrow. Beloved, the Joy of the Lord is …

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Wisdom For Living


Prayer makes revelational knowledge available, prayer also impregnates the human heart/mind with creative ideas, but Right and Timely Decision Making will convert the revelational knowledge and the creative ideas made available by prayer into Success. Beloved, don’t just stop at prayer, always take the next and most important step of making the Right Decisions at …

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Wisdom For Living


Fear comes to torment, fear comes to steal your joy and confidence, fear comes to take away your ability to confront circumstances that have been termed impossible, fear comes to make you look inadequate/incapable of achieving great heights. Always remember that to bow to fear in any circumstance, no matter how difficult it presents itself, …

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Wisdom For Living


Fear comes to torment, fear comes to steal your joy and confidence, fear comes to take away your ability to confront circumstances that have been termed impossible, fear comes to make you look inadequate/incapable of achieving great heights. Always remember that to bow to fear in any circumstance, no matter how difficult it presents itself, …

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Wisdom For Living


As a child of God always remember that the life of faith and the privilege of grace did not exempt you from Working Hard. Also bear in mind that God does not bless laziness/idleness, rather He will always bless your Hard Work. When you Work Hard and in addition apply the principles of Faith and …

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Wisdom For Living


Every human that has experienced recreation through Jesus Christ is a great Resource both to God and to this world, because in Christ you are truly fearfully and wonderfully made. So, live daily by this understanding and don’t ever think less of yourself for whatever reason and equally don’t allow anyone put you down. Decision: …

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Wisdom For Living


Turning unpleasant situations to your advantage as a child of God requires a lot of Productive Thinking and Meditation, that will give birth to Creative Idea’s. Always bear in mind that when Creative Idea’s that are born out of Productive Thinking/Meditation are turned into Action, then that unpleasant situations will equally turn into a Success …

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Wisdom For Living


Beloved child of God, understand that unpleasant situations do not come your way to destroy you, rather they help build your faith and the Christlike lifestyle in you. Please don’t allow the devil take advantage of such situations in oder to kill or steal or to destroy your God given destiny. It’s a phase of …

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Wisdom For Living


Beloved child of God, the protection of your life and by extension your properties are always guaranteed because your life is hid in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is inside the Almighty God. For any power to hurt your life, it must first destroy God and equally destroy Jesus Christ and this we know is …

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