Abraham And Tithing

Bible Study, General, Spiritual Growth, Wisdom for Living

Gen 14:17-24 GNT When Abram came back from his victory over Chedorlaomer and the other kings, the king of Sodom went out to meet him in Shaveh Valley (also called King’s Valley). 18 And Melchizedek, who was king of Salem and also a priest of the Most High God, brought bread and wine to Abram, …

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Wisdom For Living – 24th November, 2018

Devotional, Wisdom for Living

There is no doubt that at one point or the other in our lives, we have received the promise of help from our fellow humans. Sometimes it can turn out well but most often it turns out in Disappointments and heartbreaks. Relying on the promise of help from a human can be a very huge …

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Wisdom For Living – 23rd November, 2019

Devotional, Wisdom for Living

There is so much happening in our world today that is aimed at shipwrecking the Faith of Christians. One of such is – Modernization. We do not need to water down the standard of the Faith that was once delivered to us at the expense of the lives of those who brought it in order …

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Wisdom For Living – 22nd November, 2018

Devotional, Wisdom for Living

The goal of Christian Service is not human recognitions and rewards. So do not make it the focus of your Service in God’s house, because it has the capacity to both destroy your relationship with God and cost you your eternal reward. Hear the wisdom of God – With all this going for us, my …

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Wisdom For Living – 19th November, 2018

Devotional, Wisdom for Living

There is no specific time of the day that prayer is more effective, neither is there a specific day in a month that prayer is more potent, nor is there a specific month of the year that God answers prayer sharp sharp. The quality and intensity of your prayer during unpleasant situations should be the …

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The Purpose Of God's Miracles

Bible Study, Church Life, Discipleship, Doctrine for Life

Miracles are events that are thought to be the product of supernatural intervention in the natural world. They are frequently seen as unusual, paranormal events that defy scientific or natural explanations. Most people see miracles as indications or proof of God’s influence, strength, and presence in the human world. Miracles can come in many different …

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Wisdom For Living – 1st November, 2018

Devotional, Wisdom for Living

The tests/challenges you are currently going through or those you will ever go through during your earthly pilgrimage does not have the capacity to invalidate the Promises Of God To You. Hear this undeniable fact – Every test that you have experienced (or experiencing) is the kind that normally comes to humans. But God keeps …

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