Can a Christian Watch Secular Movies and Listen to Secular Music? Introduction In our current world, entertainment is definitely everywhere, movies, music, TV shows, and online content etc. It has become an issue of debate in many Christian communities, a lot of Christians wonder: If is it okay to watch secular movies and listen to …
Old Testament vs. New Testament: How They Connect and Why They Matter Introduction The Bible is mainly divided into two major parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. Even though Some people see them as two separate books, in reality they are deeply connected, because both sections tells one unified story of God’s redemption …
Christianity in India: History, Growth, and Influence Introduction Christianity has been part of India’s religious landscape for around 2,000 years. With more than 30 million Christians, India has one of the world’s oldest Christian populations in world history. Christianity has had a profound impact on India’s history, culture, and society, from the arrival of St. …
The 2025 World Watch List of Top 50 Countries where Christians face the most extreme persecutions has been released by Open Doors. The World Watch List is Open Doors’ annual ranking of the 50 countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian. In Open Doors’ World Watch List top 50 alone, over 310 …
Who Is Jesus Christ? The Truth from the Bible Introduction: Why Does Jesus Christ Matter? Few individuals in the history of humanity have aroused as much interest, devotion, and debate as Jesus Christ. Some describe Him as a great teacher, others as a prophet, and billions agree He is the Son of God and the …
Understanding God’s Grace: A Biblical Perspective Grace is one of the most profound and powerful subject in the Bible. It is central to the Christian faith, affecting our relationships with God and others. But what precisely is God’s grace, and why does it matter? Many people see grace as merely God’s kindness or mercy, but …
What the Bible Really Teaches about Heaven and Hell Few topics in the Christian faith spark as much curiosity, debate, and even fear as the subject of heaven and hell. What happens after we die? Do heaven and hell really exist? Is God still loving if He allows people to go to hell? The Bible …
Rock of Ages, cleft for meLet me hide myself in TheeLet the water and the blood,From Thy riven side which flowed,Be of sin the double cure,Cleanse me from its guilt and pow’r. Not the labors of my handsCan fulfill Thy law’s demands;Could my zeal no respite know,Could my tears forever flow,All for sin could not …
1) I am so glad that our Father in heavenTells of His love in the Book He has given:Wonderful things in the Bible I see;This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me. Chorus: I am so glad that Jesus loves me,Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me,I am so glad that Jesus loves me,Jesus loves even …
Lyrics of the hymn “There Shall Be Showers Of Blessings” “There shall be showers of blessing;”This is the promise of love;There shall be seasons refreshing,Sent from the Saviour above. Refrain:Showers of blessing,(Showers, showers of blessing,)Showers of blessing we need;Mercy drops rounds us are falling,But for the showers we plead.Verse 2:“There shall be showers of blessing-”Precious …