Wisdom For Living – The Power Of Forgiveness – Episode 1

On today’s Wisdom for Living, we will start a series on The Power of Forgiveness.

In today’s episode, we’ll look at what the Bible says in Matthew 18:21-22

“Then Peter came to him and asked Lord how often should I forgive someone who sins against me, seven times? Jesus replied, no not seven times but seventy times seven.”

Here, Jesus says we need to reach the Benchmark of seventy times seven (70 * 7) before we say it is enough. All right the Bible teaches that unselfish love or Selfless Love or the agape kind of love or the unconditional love is the basis or should be the basis for true forgiveness since it keeps no record of wrongs.

You know the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:5 that love keeps no record of wrongs. Forgiving others means letting go of resentment, anger, Hurt, and giving up any claim to be compensated for the hutt or loss we have suffered. You know as humans, someone can really hurt you that you will feel that the only way I can feel better, I can be appeased is if I am compensated by we by by means of Revenge. Well that may be our human thought but that’s not the Bible position.

You know Peter’s question is on the frequency of forgiveness; at what point will it be enough not to forgive again. In the words of Jesus, He said you should reach the 490. When Jesus said 70 * 7, it means 490 times. That’s the Forgiveness Benchmark my friends before it will be enough to say I will no longer forgive. So the Forgiveness Benchmark is 490 by the words of Jesus, and the million dollar question is this, ‘who is able to keep this record of wrongdoings against one person? You know, bearing in mind is one person we’re dealing with and this 490 times can be maybe in a day, a week, two weeks, one month, or maybe in a year, we never can tell. But let’s just look at it and say at what point will it be enough, the frequency of forgiveness!

So at what point will it be enough to say ‘I will no longer forgive,’ and at that point, unforgiveness becomes righteousness. That’s what we’re trying to establish. But wait a minute who is able to keep this record of wrong? You must buy a very big notebook or jotter and keep.

If you’re able to keep record of wrongdoing for one person for 100 times, we should even check your mental state to see how mentally sound you are.

So in essence, Jesus is saying, “forgiveness should be a lifestyle”.

Forgiveness should be a lifestyle my friends! Forgiveness should be a lifestyle. So we just keep forgiving, we just keep forgiving. Forgiveness should be a lifestyle.

I think we will stop here today. We’ll continue in our next episode.

Recommended: Wisdom For Living – The Power Of Forgiveness – 2

God bless you and have a wonderful spirit filled day.

Last modified: March 23, 2024