What Does the Bible Say About Gender Identity? A Biblical Perspective on Gender and Identity
In today’s fast changing culture, discussions around gender identity, transgenderism, and gender dysphoria have become extremely contentious. Society increasingly promotes the notion that gender is flexible and may be determined by personal feelings, but what does the Bible teach about gender identity?
As Christians, we must grasp God’s design for people, including how it pertains to gender, identity, and human dignity. This article will look at what the Bible says regarding gender identification, God’s design for human sexuality, and how Christians may react with truth and grace in today’s world.
1. God Created Only Two Genders – Male and Female
The Bible is clear from the very beginning that God intentionally created only two distinct genders — male and female. This is evident in the creation account in the book of Genesis:
Genesis 1:27 (NIV)
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
In this verse, we see three clear biblical truths:
• God intentionally created two distinct genders — male and female.
• Both men and women were created in the image of God, giving them equal value.
• Gender was not assigned by culture or personal preference, but by God’s divine design.
God’s design for humanity was that males would live out their identity as men and females would live out their identity as women according to His divine purpose. Any deviation from this design is contrary to God’s original plan.
2. God Did Not Make Mistakes in Creating You
In the age of gender fluidity and transgenderism, many people struggle with gender dysphoria — the feeling of being trapped in the wrong body. Some individuals, despite being biologically male or female, feel like the opposite gender. However, the Bible assures us that:
Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV)
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
This scripture emphasizes:
• God did not make a mistake when He created you.
• Your biological sex is part of God’s divine plan.
• You are fearfully and wonderfully made, regardless of your feelings.
While society encourages people to change their gender to align with their feelings, the Bible reminds us that our identity is rooted in God’s design, not in subjective emotions.
3. The Fall of Man Distorted Identity and Gender
To understand why people struggle with gender identity today, we must look at the root cause — the fall of man. In Genesis 3, sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience, corrupting God’s perfect creation.
As a result of sin, human nature became broken and confused, leading to disordered desires, identity struggles, and confusion about gender.
Romans 8:20-21 (NIV)
“For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay.”
This verse explains that:
• The confusion surrounding gender identity is part of the fall of man.
• People are born with sinful tendencies, but that does not mean those tendencies define their identity.
• Only Jesus Christ can restore our identity to God’s original design.
The Bible clearly teaches that feelings should not dictate our identity — God’s Word and truth should.
4. The Bible Condemns Cross-Dressing and Gender Confusion
The Bible explicitly speaks against the blurring of gender roles or the attempt to change one’s gender.
Deuteronomy 22:5 (NIV)
“A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.”
In this context, the Bible condemns:
• Cross-dressing — dressing in a way that deliberately confuses gender roles.
• Trying to appear as the opposite sex.
• Rebelling against God’s design for gender.
While this verse directly refers to clothing, it also applies to gender identity. God did not intend for men to identify as women or vice versa. Any action to change or alter one’s gender is a direct rebellion against God’s created order.
5. God Offers Redemption and Identity in Christ
For those struggling with gender identity, same-sex attraction, or gender dysphoria, the Bible offers hope and redemption through Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
This means:
• Your identity is not in your feelings, but in Christ.
• If you are struggling with gender confusion, Jesus can heal your brokenness.
• God’s love and grace are available for anyone who repents and turns to Him.
Christians must remember that gender confusion is not beyond God’s power to heal. Jesus can restore identity, heal brokenness, and bring clarity to those struggling with gender identity.
6. The Role of the Church in Addressing Gender Identity
As the world continues to promote gender fluidity, the Church must stand firm on biblical truth while still showing grace and compassion. Here’s how:
a) Speak the Truth in Love
Ephesians 4:15 (NIV) says:
“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”
While the Church must stand firm on biblical truths about gender, it must also demonstrate love, compassion, and understanding towards those struggling with their identity.
b) Offer Biblical Counseling and Healing
Churches should provide biblical counseling for individuals experiencing gender dysphoria. Counseling should emphasize:
• God’s original design for gender.
• Healing through the power of Jesus Christ.
• Compassion, not condemnation.
c) Refuse to Compromise Biblical Truth
The world is now promoting transgenderism, same-sex marriage, and gender fluidity, but the Church must not compromise on biblical teachings.
Romans 12:2 (NIV)
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
Christians are called to stand against cultural lies and boldly proclaim God’s design for gender.
Conclusion: What Should Christians Believe About Gender Identity?
The Bible is clear that:
• God created only two genders — male and female (Genesis 1:27).
• Your gender is not a mistake; it is divinely assigned by God.
• Any attempt to change one’s gender is a rebellion against God’s design.
• Healing and identity are found in Christ alone.
As the world continues to promote gender confusion, the Church must remain firm in biblical truth while showing compassion to those struggling. The answer to gender identity confusion is not surgery, hormones, or social acceptance — it is a new identity in Jesus Christ.
✅ Call to Action
• Share this article with someone struggling with gender identity or confusion.
• Pray for those dealing with gender dysphoria, asking God to reveal their true identity in Christ.
• Encourage your church to offer biblical counseling to individuals facing gender identity struggles.
Last modified: March 11, 2025