Family Relationship Part IV

Beloved, as representives of Christ on this earth, always bear in mind that the Bible and the lifestyle of Christ is our standard in whatever we do. Our scriptural focus for today states – Husbands, love your wives [be affectionate and sympathetic with them] and do not be harsh or bitter or resentful toward them. {Col 3:19 AMP}

God is the epitome of love and in Christ, He demonstrated to the world how to love. The plan of redemption of the human race from the slavery and bondage of the devil was conceived and delivered on the platform of love. It was love that propelled Christ to pay the ultimate price of death for the entire human race, even when we were still in sin and did not value His sacrifice.

In the same way, as people who have experienced this love that is priceless, Christ is saying to every husband Love your wife unconditionally as I {Christ} have loved you. Sometimes the husband’s think and believe that it is the level of Submission they receive from their wives that determines the extent to which they will love their wives. This principle may seem good on the surface but note that it is against the principles of the Bible and our new life in Christ.
As a Christlike husband, it will be important you understand that your love for your wife is not dependent on the level of her submission to you, rather your love for your wife is based on the extent to which you as the husband has submitted to Christ.

Love is a spiritual virtue and can only be understood in Christ

Have a Grace filled day – Good news awaits you.
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Declaration: I affirm that I am a king and a priest of Christ on this earth, therefore I will reign in this world – Hallelujah

Last modified: January 2, 2018