Human relationship that is intended to lead to Marriage is another great gift God blessed the human world with and His(God) desire is that it will be a relationship full of love and trust. He never intended that humans will used it as an avenue to Hurt each other.
As a child of God, always bear in mind that it is wrong to employ religious languages/tricks in order to justify your actions and make it appear spiritual when you want to walk away from a relationship with another child of God that was intended to lead to Marriage. Secondly remember that you’re hurting the emotions and spiritual life of that person.

Having established that it is never God’s intention to see His children suffer and be hurt through failed relationships that was intended to lead to Marriage, the subject we intend to address through this article is – How Do I Handle A Failed Relationship?
We will like to clear the air first by saying that Believers can be victim’s of a failed relationship or can walk away from a relationship because of so many reasons like
A. when they allow the devil through some lifestyles or idealogies that are unscriptural to influence their mind/heart.
B. When such relationships was started without the counsel of The Holy Spirit
C. When such persons do not understand God’s purpose for relationship.
D. Ungodly practices like – falsehood, pre-marital sex, lack of openness etc
E. Lack of the understanding of the concept of Christian relationship. Etc

When a believer finds himself/herself in a failed relationship and the devil is working very hard to use the situation to destroy his/her emotions and spiritual life, what should the person do;

1. Forget That Relationship
Every relationship that was intended to lead to Marriage has very wonderful memories and projections, so when such relationships fails, those are the tools the devil uses to hurt the person that was left in the relationship in order to destroy his/her emotions and spiritual life.
Hear the wise counsel of God – “But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. {ISA 43:18 NLT}
Beloved, God is saying to you, it is needless brooding over a failed relationship that has become one of the former thing’s that came your way, rather forget it.
To forget a failed relationship simply means to
A. Delibrately refuse to think/meditate on that relationship anymore
B. Erase the pleasant and unpleasant memories from the data base of your mind
C. Stop wishing the relationship will come back, because that will further destroy your emotions and capacity to trust/love again.
D. Stop connecting with the person on phone or on any of the social media platforms.

2. Understand it is an attack of the devil
It is important to emphasize that the devil always seeks to use the unpleasant experience a believer goes through to attack both the emotions and spiritual life of the believer.
God warning us against the tricks of the devil says – Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. {1Pet 5:8 NLT}
The devil is always prowling around and he is looking out for unpleasant situations in order to use them against the believer if we give him the opportunity. Always realize that it is the devil that supplies the thought and events of your former relationship into your mind/heart in order to make you his captive.
At this point we will like to emphasize that mental captivity is the ultimate goal of the devil when attacking a believer, because if he captures your mind/heart, he can influence your decisions, actions and lifestyle. It is your personal responsibility to resist the devil and his tricks through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

3. There Is A Better Future
Don’t ever allow the devil trick you into believing that because you had a failed relationship, something must be wrong with you or that you will not have another relationship. Beloved God wants you to know that the Best is yet to come in your life, so never give in to the lies of the devil.

Hear this – That failed relationship is nothing compared to what God is going to do in your life, what a word of prophecy.
Don’t ever allow any unpleasant experience in your relationship rob you of the conviction that there is a great and better future for you in marriage.
Always live in the understanding that there is a great and better future ahead of me – Hallelujah.

4. Always Resist The Devil
The Bible has given us the solution to any attack of the devil which is –  So give yourselves to God. Stand against the devil, and he will run away from you. {Js 4:7 ERV}
Beloved you don’t have any justification to stay away from God, whether the situation is pleasant – give yourself to God and even if it is unpleasant equally give yourself to God.
When your life is totally submitted to God, then standing against the devil or resisting him is as easy as A.B.C.
When you submit your life to God, you cannot be a captive of the devil. So whenever you notice the devil is trying to miss with your emotions or mind/heart through supplying thoughts of your former relationship don’t give in by allowing him expand the thoughts which will lead to depression, emotional breakdown and haterd for that person, rather Resist The devil and you will see him running away from you. Don’t just resist the devil once always Resist him, by so doing you are enforcing your victory in Christ.

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Last modified: November 21, 2017