True Christianity Part V

Beloved, whether you’re walking through the valley of life,  or sitting on the top of the mountain of life, God wants you to live in the light of the gospel of Christ. Our scriptural focus for today states – Which come from your confident hope of what God has reserved for you in heaven. You have had this expectation ever since you first heard the truth of the Good News. {Col 1:5  NLT}
From the time the gospel of Christ was made known to these Colossian Christians, their expectation and hope of enjoying eternal life with God was the basis for their Christlike faith. They still went about their normal businesses and daily life pursuit but they never allowed it to diminish their expectation of eternity with God.
Even though you were not taken to be with the Lord immediately after your salvation experience, but have been keep here on earth to fulfill your earthly destiny, which is rooted in the plan of God, you should not allow the pursuit of earthly comfort take away your expectation of eternal life with God. The beauty and riches of this world will one day fade away, either through death or through the second coming of Christ, and the only thing that will count is your expectation of eternal life that determined your lifestyle while you were on this earth.
The question before every child of God is – Do you still have your expectation of eternity with God alive in your spirit or has the cares of this world and its pressures choked it away?. One of the greatest assault of the devil against believers on this earth is to trick us into losing sight of our expectation of eternity with God, don’t be a victim of this trick, instead may the Holy Spirit keep this hope ever burning in your spirit that it determines your daily lifestyle.

Expectation is the womb of Manifestation.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: May 6, 2017