The Mark Of Freedom Part III

Beloved, one of the heaviest things you can carry is a grudge against someone, don’t allow the devil put that heavy load on your heart. Always enjoy the freedom Christ offers. Our scriptural focus for today states – Those who are trying to force you to be circumcised want to look good to others. They don’t want to be persecuted for teaching that the cross of Christ alone can save. {Gal 6:12  NLT}
The purpose of those who were twisting the gospel of Grace was not to appear good before God but rather to appear good before men. As believers in Christ, we need to be very careful at all times not to make men the focus of the things we do in and outside the body of Christ. The word Force as used in this passage does not mean using physical means to force one against his/her will, rather it is that of the use of strong persuasive words to lure people into believing falsehood in the place of the truth.
In the church today, there is so much use of oratorical tricks/skill to persuade men to believe the law in the place of the gospel of Grace, and this trend is spreading like wildfire in the church.
In Apostle Paul’s days, teaching that salvation can only be found through the cross of Christ attracted so much persecution, and Paul suffered many of it but these Jews, though they were believers decided to please the people by mixing the law and the message of Grace in order to escape been persecuted. In their eyes, it was a wise way to play safe and stay out of trouble, but in the eyes of God they were hypocrites. As a preacher or as a believer in Christ, do you teach/preach that message just to sounds good in the ears of men, when scripturally you know you’re misleading the brethren, just to  present youself as the happening thing in order to escape being persecuted.

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Have a Grace filled day, Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: April 12, 2017