Your Life, Your Seed Part IV

Beloved, God cannot give you joy, peace and happiness apart from Himself, because the world can’t give it, only God is the true source of these virtues. Our scriptural focus for today states – Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. {Gal 6:8 NLT}
Always remember that God has a great purpose for the resources He has kept under your custody. Its not just to give you and your family only the best life can offer but to be employed for His kingdom business. For those who sow to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit harvest everlasting life. Seeing that it is from the Spirit we shall harvest everlasting life and not from our church membership, then we must learn to use our time and money on only things that will please the Holy Spirit. The more your effectively use your time and money on only things that will please the Holy Spirit, the more you grow in grace, the more you grow also in the knowledge of Christ, and will keep harvesting spiritual fruits in your life.
Beloved, it takes faith and patience to sow to the Spirit, and God promises a harvest from the Spirit that is not in any way proportional to the resources sown to the Spirit. You can be sure to harvest everlasting life, because it is only the Spirit that rewards us with that. There will be no favouritism nor partiality, because every human will get their actual harvest. Henceforth, do not invest your resources in God’s kingdom just for an earthly reward/recognition by men, but to harvest a reward that only the Spirit can give you.

Everlasting only comes from the Spirit.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News Awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: March 30, 2017