Living For Christ Part III

Greatest in God’s kingdom is not measured by the volume of wealth or status one has acquired, rather it is measured by the courage with which a person gives himself/herself to obeying the instructions of God. Our scriptural focus for today states – My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. {Gal 2:20 NLT}.
It is obvious that without Christ living in the inside of a person, he/she is a prey of the devil and a slave to sin, and it does not matter if such individual attends church services regularly. Christ didn’t just die to fulfill all righteousness, rather His death was born out of love both for the Father and the entire human race. For us as humans to live a life that will please God, we must trust Christ to lead us through that way, because only Him knows the mind of the Father and the things that will always please Him. Seeing that Christ first loved us, we can only reciprocate His love by trusting Him to lead us to the Father.
If Christ gave His all for our redemption, He expects that we who have come to believe in Him will equally give our all for the cause of His kingdom here on earth. As Christians, we must come to the point were we recognise that the life we are living on this earth is not our own, that we belong to Christ, and as such we must endeavor to represent Him well and showcase Him to the world around us as an epitome of Love and Kindness.

Christ is the difference maker.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: August 3, 2016