Today we continue the series – Raising godly Children in an Ungodly World. Christian families are faced with a culture that is hostile to Christian values, and increasingly find themselves searching for answers and strategies to be more effective in raising their children according to Gods standard. Parents are daily faced with some disturbing trends like modernism, negative effects of the internet, peer group pressure, early relationships, young people leaving home and leaving the Church and most christian parents want to ensure their children have a strong foundation of biblical faith and understanding. Follow us in this series and may the Holy Spirit give you insight.

2. Build a Strong and Unique Marriage
When parents do all within there power to build a Strong marriage, they are not just doing that for themselves alone, they are also securing the values of their children, and secondly it adds Stability to your Child’s Life. If your fail to build marriage on sound godly principles, bear in mind that your parenting will definitely be hindered. It is a lot easier to raise children when you have a strong marriage, but nearly impossible when you have a shaky marriage! As a believer, Solidify your marriage on Christ and not on the trending world lifestyles.
Only when each spouse passionately loves God, will they correctly love each other and have the strong marital foundation needed for successful parenting.
N/b: If you are a single parent, pray for strength and wisdom to show respect and avoid negative put downs of the parent that is no longer in the home. We also advice if it is possible to reconcile, please do so even if its for the singular purpose of giving your children a good home and a good example of a godly marriage.
Hear this – You were united to your wife by the Lord. In God’s wise plan, when you married, the two of you became one person in his sight. And what does he want? Godly children from your union. Therefore, guard your passions! Keep faith with the wife of your youth. {Mal 2:15 TLB}

The marriage you give to your children, influences them a lot.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu
Keep a date with us on 27th Feb, 3pm @2b Aba Rd Opp. Penco Plaza Umuahia for another exciting edition of Let’s Talk With PastorIhu

Last modified: February 20, 2016