Caption – Faith Righteousness Part 1

I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. {Phil 3:7  NLT}

When humans meet with God through the work of Christ, it always results in an instantaneous miracle of the grace of God, and it will keep happening as sinners acknowledge there need for a saviour and turn to Christ by faith. Our scriptural focus for today states – I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Apostle Paul’s meeting with Christ changed everything about him, but most importantly, his perception towards righteousness. He realized how truly futile his religious good works were and how shameful his claims of righteousness was also. He lost the things he once thought was very valuable to him if he must please God, but in turn gained Christ, which is more than ten times better than what he lost. What a wonderful transaction, you can’t get it anywhere like this.
Lets consider some of the valuable things he lost;
1. His great reputation as a scholar.
2. His position as a religious leader of the Pharisees sect.
3. His Jewish heritage
4. His religious achievements ……..etc
These things brought him much profit and respect, but in comparison with what Christ had to offer him, he realized that they were nothing but ‘refuse’. These his valuables brought glory only to him but not God, they were also gain to him alone and as such were selfish.
If this describes how you have been going about the practice of your Christian life, there is every need for a U-turn as Apostle Paul did, so that Christian life will start bringing glory and profit to God. Christ is offering the “Higher Standard of Living”, you can’t get it anywhere else.

Life on earth is valueless without Christ.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: February 11, 2016