For though once your heart was full of darkness, now it is full of light from the Lord, and your behavior should show it!  {Eph 5:8  TLB}

Life here on earth is actually in stages, and our scriptural focus for today describes the Two major stages every believer will go through. ‘Once your heart was full of darkness, but Now it is full of Light from the Lord’. Once your heart was full of darkness describes your past that Jesus took away the day you acknowledged His death and resurrection. To go on living in the past that Jesus has taken away either in your mentality or action, is the highest demonstration of Spiritual Ignorance. The highest form of captivity on earth is mental captivity, because the devil can through it deprive a believer of the benefits of the new life in Christ due to ignorance. Darkness as used in this scripture, refers to the sinful nature/the activities of the devil.  As light dispels darkness in the physical, so is it in the spiritual realm. By the entrance of the Light from the Lord into your life, the devil and all his activities lost their hold over you permanently as a believer. You’re now filled with the Light of God. The Light refers to the Life of God  that you have been given because of Christ.
Hear this – Eternal life is in him, and this life gives light to all mankind. His life is the light that shines through the darkness—and the darkness can never extinguish it. {John 1: 4 – 5  TLB}

You can only Shine because you now have Light.

Have a Grace filled day.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu
Keep a date with us on 29th August, 3pm @Bubbles Plaza Umuahia, for an unforgettable experience.

Last modified: August 18, 2015