Let there be no sexual immorality, impurity, or greed among you. Such sins have no place among God’s people. {Eph 5:3  NLT}

As a believer, there are practices you should not be involved in, because they bring you to the same level as unbelievers in the sight of God. Our scriptural focus for today highlights one of such things – Let there be no greed among you. Greed is a selfish or excessive desire to acquire or possess more than one needs or deserves, especially money, wealth, food or other material possessions. The quest for a good or better life here on earth is driving many believers to cross the line into greed or covetousness. You will always have need for money, wealth, food and other material possessions, please allow the Holy Spirit and the principles of the scriptures to always guide you. The over emphasis in the church today on money and wealth as the hallmark of Gods blessings on a man’s life, is not from God, rather its a trick of the devil to shift the focus of the church and make her raise a generation of greedy or covetous people. These are little foxes that spoil your spirituality, be careful. As believers, we are not called to get money, wealth and other material possessions at all cost, that’s the the lifestyle of unbelievers. It maybe fashionable, but bear in mind that it is not godly.

Hear the words of Jesus – Then he said, “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.” {Luke 12:15  NLT}

Money and wealth are good, but be guided by the Holy Spirit and not greed.

Have a Grace filled day.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: August 10, 2015