What Is Meditation 

It is a devotional exercise of a continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature. 

One striking definition of the word to meditate is to keep the mind fixed upon. 

Hear the scriptures – This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but thou shall meditate in it day and night. {Josh.1:8 Kjv} 

This instruction given might seem somehow a demanding situation considering our busy schedules. Sometimes, we find it difficult to keep a consistent personal study and fellowship with God. 

Commit your works to the LORD and your thoughts will be established {Prov.16:3} 

While it is right to have a consistent time of fellowship with God, it is also more important to carry Him in our thoughts everywhere and in everything we do. 

 7 Steps To Meditation 

  1. Apply the word of God to you personally
  2. Allow the Holy Spirit to make God’s word a reality in your heart.
  3. Carefully ponder on how the word applies to your life.
  4. Dwell on how this word from the Lord changes your current situation.
  5. Place yourself in agreement with what God’s word says about you.
  6. See yourself as God sees you.
  7. Realize the integrity of God’s word.


As Christians, our thought life and meditations determine who we are becoming. Hear this from the wisdom of the Bible – O how love I, thy law! It is my meditation all day. I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation. {Ps 119: 97, 99  Kjv}. 

Meditations on God’s word brings……. 

 Spiritual Growth – Meditation on the Bible can bring spiritual growth in many ways:

  1. Enhancing comprehension: Engaging in meditation facilitates a more profound grasp of the lessons found in the Bible. It can make previously unknown information clear and aid in understanding the underlying themes and messages.
  2. Enhancing Faith: Consistently reflecting on the Bible helps enhance one’s faith by solidifying the conviction that God’s word and His promises are true.
  3. Transformation: As people become more in line with God’s goals and ideals, regular Bible meditation can result in spiritual transformation.

 Mental Growth; Meditation on the Bible can improve our mental capacity as humans by;

  1. Reducing tension and Anxiety: By encouraging calmness and relaxation, meditation on the bible can aid in the reduction of tension and anxiety.
  2. Improving Emotional Well-Being: People who meditate regularly on the bible report feeling better emotionally because it makes them more optimistic about life and more capable of handling their unpleasant feelings.
  3. Fostering Creativity: By fostering fresh viewpoints and concepts, meditation on the bible can foster creativity.

 Psychology Growth

  1. Encouraging Positive Thoughts: Meditation on the bible helps foster a happier outlook to life by lowering pessimistic thought patterns and fostering optimism.
  2. Enhancing Relationships: By encouraging empathy, compassion, and understanding for others, meditation on the bible can enhance interpersonal relationships.
  3. Helping People Become More Self-Aware: Meditation on the bible promotes reflection, which gives people a better understanding of their own ideas, emotions, and actions.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, are of good report, if there be any virtue and praise, meditate on these things. 

Learn to commit your ways to God, carry Him in your mind/thoughts, in everything we do, only then can we become that very image which He has created us to be. 

Let this be your prayer, ‘that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to your will, oh Lord’. 


Last modified: March 9, 2024