This is one of the many scriptures that have been made to say something different from the original message because a verse is singled out and given a different interpretation.
When verse 13 is singled out of the body of truth God was dealing with in this passage, it sounds as though the destinies of humans are in the hands of the prophet/pastor.

Let’s study this passage
Hosea 12:7-14 GNT
The Lord says, “The people of Israel are as dishonest as the Canaanites; they love to cheat their customers with false scales. 8 ‘We are rich,’ they say. ‘We’ve made a fortune. And no one can accuse us of getting rich dishonestly.’ 9 But I, the Lord your God who led you out of Egypt, I will make you live in tents again, as you did when I came to you in the desert.

10 “I spoke to the prophets and gave them many visions, and through the prophets I gave my people warnings. 11 Yet idols are worshiped in Gilead, and those who worship them will die. Bulls are sacrificed in Gilgal, and the altars there will become piles of stone in the open fields.”

12 Our ancestor Jacob had to flee to Mesopotamia, where, in order to get a wife, he worked for another man and took care of his sheep. 13 The Lord sent a prophet to rescue the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt and to take care of them. 14 The people of Israel have made the Lord bitterly angry; they deserve death for their crimes. Their Lord will punish them for the disgrace they have brought on him.

This scripture is simply speaking of the coming judgment of God on the nation of Israel because they abandoned Him as their God and went into different forms of wickedness.
God through the prophet Hosea began to outline His help towards Israel even from the days of their father Jacob and the slavery in Egypt. He spoke of the great deliverance He gave Israel by sending a prophet (Moses) to bring them out of bondage. All these His mercies and kindness did not stop Israel from going into idolatry and other forms of wickedness.
Since they continued in sin, He(God) was going to judge them for their wickedness.

This scripture in verse 13 was not magnifying the prophet/pastor, neither was this scripture saying that the fulfilment of the destinies of humans is in the hands of the prophet/pastor.
This scripture captures very simply the displeasure of God towards Israel even after all He did to save them in their times of pain and He expected them to truly worship and obey Him but they turned against Him.
This scripture has nothing to do with the responsibilities of the pastors of today in the fulfilment of the destiny of any Christian.


Last modified: March 9, 2024