Text: Romans 8: 1 – 9 1. Freedom from Judgement – No Condemnation The act of condemning or pronouncing to be wrong; censure; blame; disapprobation. The basis for this wonderful assurance is the phrase “In Christ Jesus”. In Adam we were Condemned, but In Christ – There is No Condemnation. The Law of Moses condemns; …
Text: Gal 4: 22 – 32 The Historical Facts Perhaps the easiest way to grasp the historical account is to trace briefly Abraham’s experiences as recorded in Gen 12 through 21. Using his age as our guide, we will trace the events on which Paul is basing his argument for Christian liberty. 75 – Abraham …
Introduction As you’ve probably heard, nearly half of all marriages now end in divorce, leaving bitter spouses and confused children in their wake. Don’t let this happen to you! Whether your marriage is going through tough times now or is experiencing marital bliss, or even if you’re not yet married but considering to marry, here’s …