The New Testament is packed with beautiful blessings that come across as warm, heartfelt wishes. They’re like tiny reminders of God’s love, peace, and grace, often crafted to encourage and uplift folks. Check out some of my favorites, written in a more casual style! The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12):Jesus said things like, “You’re blessed when you’re …
The life story of C.S. Lewis The British author, scholar, and Christian apologist Clive Staples Lewis was also known as C.S. Lewis. His novels, especially The Chronicles of Narnia, and his books on Christian theology and apologetics are his most well-known works. He is regarded as one of the most significant Christian authors of the …
Mother Teresa, who is renowned for her deep empathy and selfless commitment to mankind, left behind a multitude of motivational sayings that still move people to action. Here are some of her most well-known inspirational quotes: Mother Teresa’s remarks reveal her persistent dedication to helping the poorest of the poor, her profound faith, and her …
Mother Teresa’s biography Mother Teresa, originally named Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, came into the world on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, which is now the capital of North Macedonia. She was a Roman Catholic nun and missionary who devoted her life to helping the poor, sick, and those in need. She’s one of the most recognized …
Through his sermons, publications, and public appearances, Billy Graham, who was one of the most influential Christian evangelists of the 20th century, left behind a treasure of wisdom and inspiration for future generations. The following is a selection of Billy Graham’s most famous comments, which continue to serve as a source of motivation and encouragement …
Onward, Christian Soldiers Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,With the cross of Jesus going on before.Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;Forward into battle see His banners go! Chorus:Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,With the cross of Jesus going on before. At the sign of triumph Satan’s host doth flee;On then, Christian …
I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say I heard the voice of Jesus say“Come unto Me and rest;Lay down, thou weary one, lay downThy head upon My breast.”I came to Jesus as I wasWeary and worn and sad;I found in Him a resting placeAnd He has made me glad. I heard the voice of Jesus …
“Just as I Am” is a Christian hymn, written by Charlotte Elliott in 1835, first appearing in the Christian Remembrancer, of which Elliott became the editor in 1836. The final verse is taken from Elliott’s Hours of Sorrow Cheered and Comforted (1836). Just as I am – without one plea,But that Thy blood was shed for me,And …
The hymn “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” was written by Isaac Watts, and published in Hymns and Spiritual Songs in 1707. Isaac Watts has been called the “father of English hymnody.” He wrote more than 700 hymns and popularized congregational hymn-singing throughout the world. When I survey the wondrous crossOn which the Prince of …