Working Will Not Save Me – Hymn Lyrics

Blog, Hymns

The hymn Working Will Not Save Me was written by Robert Lowry, an American preacher who became a popular writer of gospel music in the mid-to-late 19th century. Chorus: Jesus wept and died for me;Jesus suffered on the tree;Jesus waits to make me free,He alone can save me.

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Can A Christian and A Jew Marry

Blog, Christian History & Biography, General

It is possible for a Christian to marry a Jew, but this kind of marriage calls for deep thought, respect for one another, and a dedication to overcoming religious and cultural divides. The Bible contains marital and relationship guidelines that should be followed even if it does not specifically prohibit a Christian from marrying a …

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Can A Christian and A Buddhist Marry

Blog, Church Life, General

Whether a Christian can marry a Buddhist is a complicated issue that includes religious, cultural, and personal factors. The Bible doesn’t clearly say you can’t marry someone from a different faith, but it does offer guidelines and caution about being in relationships with people who have different views. Here are the main points to think …

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Can A Christian Practice Mastubation

Blog, Church Life, General, Hephzibah Leadership Academy

The Bible doesn’t specifically talk about masturbation, but many Christians find it difficult to decide if it is morally acceptable or not. People often worry about lust, self-control, and if their actions fit with a life focused on Christ. Biblical Principles to Consider 1. Lust and Purity – Jesus said that having lustful thoughts is …

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Can A Christian Participate In Politics

Blog, Church Life, General

Yes, a Christian can get involved in politics. Many Christians agree that getting involved in politics helps them follow their belief in being “salt and light” in the world (Matthew 5:13-16) and to support fairness, goodness, and the well-being of everyone. This text looks at why Christians should be involved in politics, examples from history, …

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Can A Christian Choose To Be Cremated?

Blog, Church Life

Yes, Christians can be cremated if they so desire. Choosing between cremation or burial is a personal or cultural decision and is not specifically allowed or banned in the Bible. This text looks at the topic from different angles, including what the Bible says, past methods, and religious views. View from the Bible.The Bible does …

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Can A Christian Believe In Evolution?

Blog, Church Life, Doctrine for Life

The question of whether a Christian can believe in evolution is a subject of considerable discussion within Christianity. It explores the ways in which believers interpret the Bible, comprehend science, and harmonize their faith with scientific findings. This text delves into the various viewpoints, scriptural interpretations, and methods by which Christians engage with the idea …

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Can A Christian Go To Hell?

Blog, Church Life, Discipleship, Doctrine for Life

Whether a Christian can end up in hell really depends on different theological views about salvation, eternal security, and what hell is all about. You know, different Christian traditions have their own takes on this topic. At the heart of the discussion is whether someone who truly believes can actually lose their salvation and end …

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Can A Christian Lose Their Salvation

Bible Study, Blog, Church Life

Often referred to as the “perseverance of the saints” or “eternal security, the issue of whether a Christian may lose their Salvation is a deeply contested one inside Christianity. Depending mostly on how they understand particular biblical texts, different Christian traditions have different opinions on this matter. The main points of view and scriptural defenses …

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Can A Christian Commit The Unpardonable Sin?

Blog, Church Life, Doctrine for Life, General

Among the most hotly contested and misinterpreted subjects in Christian theology is the idea of the “unpardonable sin,” often known as “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.” The Bible notes it in Matthew 12:31–32, Mark 3:28–29, and Luke 12:10. Here is a definition of the unpardonable sin, a discussion of whether a Christian may commit it, …

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