Judaism Vs Christianity: Similarities And Differences

Bible Study, Blog, Christian History & Biography, Hephzibah Leadership Academy

Christianity and Judaism are closely related and, out of all major world religions, Christianity and Judaism are typically regarded as the most similar, in fact, Christianity has evolved from Judaism. Judaism and Christianity are both monotheistic religions that have similar origins but varying beliefs, practices, and teachings. Though the two religions are among the oldest …

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From Adam To Noah: The Significance Of Their Names

Bible Study, Blog, Christian History & Biography, Featured, General, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Wisdom for Living

Bible Genealogy From Adam To Noah, A Hidden Prophecy In The Names The line from Adam in Genesis Chapter One all the way to Noah in Genesis Chapter Five was ten generations. If you write out the Hebrew meaning of each of the names from Adam to Noah, you will be shocked to find the …

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How Can Someone Become A Christian?

Bible Study, Blog, Discipleship, Doctrine for Life, Hephzibah Leadership Academy

Who Is A Christian? For someone who wants to become a Christisn, it is important to first know, who a Christian really is. A simple definition of a Christian is a person who follows Jesus Christ. The word “Christian” first appeared in the book of Acts 11:26, when the first disciples were called Christians in …

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History of Christianity In The United States

Blog, Christian History & Biography, General

Christianity In The United States of America Christianity is the largest and most prevalent religion in the United States of America. A 2021 survey suggests that over 63% (210 million) of the entire U.S. population (332 million) are Christians. About 42% (140 million) of Christian Americans are Protestant Christians, 21% (70 million) Roman Catholics; then, …

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This Is Why You Don’t Heal The Sick, Raise The Dead, Or Walk In The Miraculous

Bible Study, Blog, Church Life, Discipleship, Doctrine for Life, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Spiritual Growth

Did you know it doesn’t take a greater amount of the Holy Spirit, and of course, anointing, to raise the dead than it takes to heal a headache? Really? Yes! If this is true, and of course, it’s true; why then do you not raise the dead? Why do you feel healing of cancer is …

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I Accepted Christ As My Savior While Serving 8-Year Prison Term

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, Testimonies

I come from a very broken home. My mom was a drug addict who couldn’t hold work. My siblings and I each had a different dad and I bounced around constantly from staying with my dad to aunts and uncles to friends and everywhere. I didn’t have a role model or a strong leader guiding …

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Jim Had No Interest In God Until A Near Death Encounter With Jesus Christ (Video)

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, General, News, Testimonies

Jim Woodford had no interest in God until he experienced God’s miraculous power in our modern world. He was on life support when he received a major wake-up call. “All the things that I thought were just some crazy, old legend. It’s real. It’s a dimension that exists. Something far beyond anything I could have …

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1,435 Thai People Accept Jesus Christ (Video)

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, Events, News, Testimonies, Videos

It was a historical day in Thailand, on Sunday, September 6, 2020, as 1,435 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and were baptized in Phetchabun, Thailand! The #FJCCA องค์กรคริสตจักรไทในพระเยซูคริสต์ baptized 1,435 Thai people in Phetchabun. These new believers came from 4 different provinces. It’s amazing to see hundreds of …

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Can A Christian Be Demon Possessed?

Bible Study, Blog, Doctrine for Life, General, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Spiritual Growth

Many Christians, especially those who consider themselves deliverance ministers, have said that Christians can sometimes be possessed by demons, and therefore need deliverance from same. Well, that begs the question, ‘Who exactly is a Christian?’. Answering this question will help us answer the question of whether a Christian can be possessed by a demon. A …

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President Biden Declares Easter Sunday As Transgender Day of Visibility

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, News

US President Joe Biden on Friday, declared Easter Sunday , one of Christianity’s holiest celebrations as “Transgender Day of Visibility,” a day created to honour transgender people and raise awareness of the discrimination they continue to face. In his proclamation on Friday 29th, the President said, “On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and …

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