Again, we continue on some Vital Facts of the New Creation Life in Christ that the believer who has been recreated Anew in Christ Must consciously and deliberately live by on a daily basis. The Third in this series is simply The Greater One Lives In Me The devil and his co-travelers have often been …
As we continue on some Vital Facts of the New Creation Life in Christ that the believer who has been recreated Anew in Christ Must consciously and deliberately live by on a daily basis. The second in this series is simply I Have Already Overcome The Devil It will interest you to know that the …
There are some Established Facts of the New Creation Life in Christ that the believer who has been recreated Anew in Christ Must consciously and deliberately live by on a daily basis. The first in this series is simply I Belong To God Living with the understanding that, as a child of God begotten in …
As we conclude the practical steps to living a worry/anxiety free life, The Holy Spirit addresses a very important aspect of our daily existence which is – Our Thought Pattern. It is very important you understand that Thoughts are very Powerful. They go a long way to shape your life and the boldness/courage with which …
As we conclude the practical steps to living a worry-free life, the Holy Spirit addresses a very important aspect of our daily existence, which is our thought pattern.It is very important that you understand that thoughts are very powerful. They go a long way toward shaping your life and the boldness/courage with which you confront …
As a believer, when you have learned through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to turn every circumstance, whether pleasant or unpleasant, to prayer and have equally developed an attitude of Thanksgiving after praying for your needs, then you will constantly experience a peaceful disposition that only Jesus Christ can give. God’s peace, which transcends …
The Holy Spirit stands by God’s children to ensure they take steps that will guarantee a worry-free life. The second practical step – to develop an attitude of Thanksgiving. Repetition of a particular prayer item every other day will create a situation in your mind/heart that can lead to a life of worry/anxiety. Instead of …
In the world we live in today, there are so much unpleasant circumstances happening for which it has become a justifiable thing to live in Worry or to be Anxious. For those who are yet to acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ over their lives, worrying/been anxious is their normal way of living but for …
When God delivers anyone who has confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour from the bondage and slavery of the devil, He equally changes their Spiritual Location. Before you received Jesus Christ as your Saviour, your location/address was the devil’s kingdom, he had every authority over you. But the moment you confessed the Lordship of …
When God delivers anyone that has confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour from the bondage and slavery of the devil, He equally changes their Spiritual Address/Location. Before you received Jesus Christ as your Saviour, your location/address was the devil’s kingdom, he had every authority over you. But the moment you confessed the Lordship of …