Luke 10:19 is one of the statements of Jesus Christ that established the believers new position of Spiritual Authority in God over every work of the devil. Jesus had sent out seventy-two of His disciples on a ministry assignment. They returned with so much joy because the devil was subject to them. Hear the response …
The word fear is one of the biggest weapons used by the devil in terrorising humans everyday. Fear is a perfect weapon for the devil because if he succeeds in bringing a human under the influence/control of fear, destroying the destiny of that person becomes a done deal. Secondly, fear is a connecting bridge to …
In Luke 2, the scripture talks about a man named Simeon. He was faithful, good and Godfearing. God had given him a promise, that he will not die until he saw Jesus, the saviour of the world. On this particular day, he was led into the temple by the Holy Spirit not knowing why, but …
In Mark 6, about 5,000 people needed food to eat having been with Jesus the whole day. The instruction of Jesus to his disciples portrayed again His compassion and love for the welfare of humans. He said to them – provide food for them to eat but it will take his disciples One month earnings …
If all you desire and work for during your earthly pilgrimage was just easy or cushy, if all your dreams and aspirations works out with the blink of an eye, than life has lost its meaning, because were will your personal cross be and were will the fight of faith be. Beloved, let this assurance …
The story of the man as recorded in the scriptures in Mark 5, is a classical example of a hopeless situation. No doubt family and friends gave up on him because they did all within their reach to restore him but No human within their environment was strong enough to subdue him. But one day …
The storms of life come to make you timid and fearful. To terrify you and make you change your focus from the ability of God to the uncertainties that govern this world. Beloved, instead of bowing to the fears and commotions that come with the storm, why not exercise the same authority your Master Jesus …
To The MarriedDo not be blinded by the mistakes of your spouse, for which you start ignoring the great good and improvement he/she has brought into your life and by extension the family – Be wise because that’s one of the easiest ways to destroy your marriage. To The SinglesDo not allow the wonderful list …
To The MarriedTrust is not one of the gifts you received on your wedding day, you cannot force it out from your spouse, rather work hard on your character and value system to earn the trust of your spouse. To The SinglesEnsure to define physical and emotional boundaries in your relationship, in order to have …
Question Sir I have a friend who is born again and he says he is in love with me but sometimes he asks for sex and he has helped my family in so many ways even financially. I don’t want to hurt him – what should I do? AnswerThanks for confiding in us and from …