Your New life in Christ Jesus empowered you with two fundamental ingredients that afforded Adam and Eve to freely and always enjoy the presence of God without any sense or feeling of condemnation which the devil took away when he trick them into sin.They are – Freedom and boldness (fearlessness).Beloved, sin brought bondage and fear …
One of the major purpose for which God left you here on earth after your salvation experience and didn’t take you to heaven immediately, is that all the rulers and powers in the heavenly places, on earth and beneath the earth will through you know and see the many different ways He(God) showcases His wisdom.Beloved, …
Love is not just one of the attributes or characteristics that describe the personality of God, rather like the Bible declares – God is Love. In essence, God is the actual and only definition of Love. Beloved, if the same God who is love now lives in the inside of you on a daily basis, …
Beloved, God has put all things under the authority of Christ as long as this earth shall exist not for His own benefit nor for the benefit of the Angels but solely for your Benefit as His own child. If all things are under the authority of Christ, all things are also under your own …
God has put all things, ( this includes the devil and all his demons, every sickness, every sin, poverty, fear, failures etc) under the authority of Christ. These things and all the operations of the devil are forever under the authority of Christ. The understanding and daily application of this fundamental truth by the believer …
The gift of the Holy Spirit to you is God’s guarantee that He(God) will give you the inheritance He promised you and again that He has purchased you to be His own child. Beloved, it is important you understand that the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life fulfills this dual purpose. As long …
The greatness of God’s riches was demonstrated in the purchase of the freedom of all humans. God did not just stop at securing the freedom of humans, He went a step further by forgiving the sins of anyone who will knowledge Christ as Lord and Saviour. Beloved, these privileges are yours if you have received …
God’s love can endure and handle any circumstance without weakening or coming to an end. Beloved, always remember that the same love of God resides in the inside of you, therefore the ability to withstand any circumstance and come out victorious is also inside of you. So don’t ever say that – I can’t take …
With the introduction of sin into the human world may years ago, every human became limited on this earth by Time, Years and Space. The only way to conquer these limitations that sin brought is the effective use of the Power of Imagination, because you’re Limitless in your Imagination. The power of imagination enables you …
Vision is one of the principal factors required for anyone to function effectively on this earth. Vision is basically Revelation. Every human have two kinds of eyes – The physical eyes and The spiritual/inner eyes. What you’re able through the Holy Spirit to see with your spiritual/inner eyes today, is what you will see with …