Divine Revelation is the most powerful Resource in the human world, because it has the creative ability to reorganize/change the times and seasons of a human. Remember that Revelation was the basic tool God deployed in the creation of the entire universe. Beloved, you need to daily engage the all important tool of Divine Revelation …
Against every justifiable reason to hope, Abraham still sustained his hope in the promise made to him by God. No doubt, some people may have counted him as a very big fool, yet he hoped. He refused to despair, he refused to give up his hope that one day he will be a Father through …
Abraham, the man we call the father of faith and a friend of God, equally found himself in a situation during his earthly pilgrimage when it appeared as though it was a waste of time and energy to keep hoping that faith will give substance to his hope. No doubt it must have been a …
It will be important to understand that your faith will not produce effectively without Hope. Note that if you don’t hope for anything, your faith can’t work because it has no goal or object to believe God for. Secondly you need to understand that faith gives substance to your hope. Therefore, don’t be hopeless in …
Another antidote to discouragement and depression is – Stop Comparing Your Level of Success with that of Others. We should learn from one another but we should not compete with anyone on the road to success. We came differently to this earth and we are all designed by God to achieve different things at different …
Another antidote to discouragement and depression is to Dream Again. If your plans and aspirations are not succeeding the way you intended, instead of allowing discouragement and depression take over your life, why not Dream Again, why not change your strategy. The road to success is not a straight jacket road, there will always be …
Discouragement and Depression are two negative vices that tries to take over your heart/mind when your plans and aspirations did not succeed as you thought it should. If you open up yourself to these negative vices, they will destroy your joy and make you a person of sorrow. Beloved, the Joy of the Lord is …
Prayer makes revelational knowledge available, prayer also impregnates the human heart/mind with creative ideas, but Right and Timely Decision Making will convert the revelational knowledge and the creative ideas made available by prayer into Success. Beloved, don’t just stop at prayer, always take the next and most important step of making the Right Decisions at …
Fear comes to torment, fear comes to steal your joy and confidence, fear comes to take away your ability to confront circumstances that have been termed impossible, fear comes to make you look inadequate/incapable of achieving great heights. Always remember that to bow to fear in any circumstance, no matter how difficult it presents itself, …
Fear comes to torment, fear comes to steal your joy and confidence, fear comes to take away your ability to confront circumstances that have been termed impossible, fear comes to make you look inadequate/incapable of achieving great heights. Always remember that to bow to fear in any circumstance, no matter how difficult it presents itself, …