Purpose Driven Work Part IV When you demonstrate the character and personality of God through obedience to your earthly masters, it showcases the extend of your reverence and devotion to God. Our scriptural focus for today states – Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for …
Purpose Driven Work Part III The kind of obedience God expects from us His children in our places of work/business is not the world’s definition of obedience called – Eye service. Our scriptural focus for today states – Servants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not only when their eyes are on …
Purpose Driven Work Part II As believers, God expects us to be obedient to our earthly masters in our places of work/business in order to use that as an avenue to showcase the life of Christ we have to the world around us. Our scriptural focus for today states – Servants, obey in everything those …
Purpose Driven Work Part I The dangers or damages caused in the life of a child when parents choose to employ methods that are not supported by the scriptures in their upbringing is enormous. Our scriptural focus for today states – Servants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not only when their …
Family Relationship Part VIII Father’s must learn through their submission to the Holy Spirit how to bring their children to obedience without provoking or harassing them. Our scriptural focus for today states – Fathers, do not provoke or irritate or fret your children do not be hard on them or harass them, lest they become …
Family Relationship Part VII As a godly child, always bear in mind that your act of obedience to the instructions of your parents brings pleasure to God your heavenly Father. Our scriptural focus for today states – Fathers, do not provoke or irritate or fret your children do not be hard on them or harass …
Family Relationship Part VI The love of God for the entire human race as demonstrated through Christ Jesus is unconditional and unthinkable from every perspective. Our scriptural focus for today states – Children, always obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord. {Col 3:20 NLT} Modernism and the advances the world has seen has also …
Family Relationship Part V The plan of the redemption of the human race from the bondage and slavery of the devil was conceived and delivered on the platform of love. Our scriptural focus for today states – Husbands, love your wives be affectionate and sympathetic with them and do not be harsh or bitter or …
Family Relationship Part IV Beloved, as representives of Christ on this earth, always bear in mind that the Bible and the lifestyle of Christ is our standard in whatever we do. Our scriptural focus for today states – Husbands, love your wives be affectionate and sympathetic with them and do not be harsh or bitter …
Family Relationship Part III The divine principle of Submission in marriage is the foundation for love, harmony, peace, purpose and fulfilment in any home. Our scriptural focus for today states – Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord. {Col 3:18 NLT} As representatives of Christ here on …