Christian Attitude Part V Beloved the former wall of partition which kept the Gentiles out of the love of God was broken down in Christ and never to be rebuilt in the human history. Our scriptural focus for today states – In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a …
Christian Attitude Part IV The uniqueness of the New Life in Christ Is that it is New everyday and equally gives the Believer the opportunity to be New everyday. Our scriptural focus for today states – In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, …
Christianity after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has gone through a lot of phrases, especially in the area of how is it is practiced. One of the aspects of the Christian practice that has gone through a lot of phrases is – Prayer. There are different styles of prayer that have been brought …
Human relationship that is intended to lead to Marriage is another great gift God blessed the human world with and His(God) desire is that it will be a relationship full of love and trust. He never intended that humans will used it as an avenue to Hurt each other. As a child of God, always …
Christian Attitude Part III Beloved you must live daily with the consciousness that something spiritual happened to you when you met Jesus Christ at the point of salvation. Our scriptural focus for today states – Now you are wearing a new life, a life that is new every day. You are growing in your understanding …
Christian Attitude Part II Beloved when you properly discern the Body of Christ, which is the basis for our Oneness, you will not do anything that is against this new nature we have in Christ. Our scriptural focus for today states – Don’t lie to each other. You have taken off those old clothes—the person …
Christian Attitude Part I Beloved, the Holy Spirit wants you to live with the consciousness that He has empowered you to live everyday above these negative emotions. Our scriptural focus for today states – Don’t lie to each other. You have taken off those old clothes—the person you once were and the bad things you …
The Fruit Of Disobedience Part IV Beloved, to get rid of the sinful nature, you must delibrately allow the Holy Spirit form His new lifestyle in you through His Fruit. Our scriptural focus for today states – But now put away and rid yourselves completely of all these things: anger, rage, bad feeling toward others, …
The Fruit Of Disobedience Part III Beloved, never allow the devil through his many tricks lure you back into your former lifestyle of disobedience to God, because this is his ultimate plan for every believer in Christ. Our scriptural focus for today states – But now put away and rid yourselves completely of all these …
The Fruit Of Disobedience Part II Beloved, the anger of God is only reserved for those who will choose to delibrately live in disobedience to God by rejecting Christ during their earthly pilgrimage. Our scriptural focus for today states – You also did these things in the past, when you lived like them. {Col 3:7 …