From Casting Spells and Channeling Spirits To A Radical Encounter With Jesus Christ

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, News, Testimonies

“When I would cast spells, when we would channel spirits, we would experience supernatural events and things that we couldn’t explain, It’s like a drug.” Military veteran and artist has described how a radical encounter with Jesus Christ set him free from deep occultism and spiritism. “I was very involved in the occult, channeling spirits, …

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Late-term Abortionist Reveals He Was Haunted by Nightmares of Babies

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, News

United States Dr. Warren Hern is one of only a few doctors performing late-term abortions – sometimes into the fifth, sixth, and seventh months of pregnancy. In a recent interview with Elaine Godfrey for The Atlantic, the 84-year-old seems determined to keep killing the unborn at the Boulder, Colorado clinic he started over 50 years …

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Wisdom For Living – The Power Of Forgiveness – 1

Bible Study, Blog, Devotional, Discipleship, Doctrine for Life, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Transcript, Videos, Wisdom for Living

Wisdom For Living – The Power Of Forgiveness – Episode 1 On today’s Wisdom for Living, we will start a series on The Power of Forgiveness. In today’s episode, we’ll look at what the Bible says in Matthew 18:21-22 “Then Peter came to him and asked Lord how often should I forgive someone who sins …

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Wisdom For Living – The Power Of Forgiveness – 2

Bible Study, Blog, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Wisdom for Living

Wisdom For Living – The Power Of Forgiveness – Episode 2 On today’s Wisdom for Living, we will continue with the series on The Power of Forgiveness. Recommended: The Power Of Forgiveness – Episode 1 (Video / Text) Recommended: The Power Of Forgiveness – Episode 1 (Video / Text)

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A Study On 2 Chronicles 20:20

Blog, Church Life

A Study On 2 Chronicles 20:20 The scripture 2 Chronicles 20:20 has been often quoted and made to say something different from the original text, because most times its singled out and used out of context. Again, due to the strong english use in the kings James version of the bible, using just this translation …

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Let Us Think

Blog, Doctrine for Life, General

But when Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him in public, because he was clearly wrong. 12 Before some men who had been sent by James arrived there, Peter had been eating with the Gentile believers. But after these men arrived, he drew back and would not eat with the Gentiles, because he was afraid …

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God The Best Father

Blog, Church Life, General, Hephzibah Leadership Academy

There is a very great difference between teaching Christians on the prosperity that Jesus Christ has purchased for them and the preaching of money. The salvation you received from God through Jesus Christ is a holistic package which includes your divine health/healing, material, mental, spiritual prosperity, divine protection, divine power, divine wisdom/insight etc. So it …

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Wisdom For Living

Blog, Devotional, Doctrine for Life, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Relationship, Wisdom for Living

To The MarriedDo not be blinded by the mistakes of your spouse, for which you start ignoring the great good and improvement he/she has brought into your life and by extension the family – Be wise because that’s one of the easiest ways to destroy your marriage. To The SinglesDo not allow the wonderful list …

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Let’s Talk Relationship

Blog, Church Life, Spiritual Growth

Question Sir I have a friend who is born again and he says he is in love with me but sometimes he asks for sex and he has helped my family in so many ways even financially. I don’t want to hurt him – what should I do? AnswerThanks for confiding in us and from …

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