Trump vs Harris: Research Reveals Who Evangelicals Will Vote For

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Evangelicals remain a critical voting bloc, with this portion of the Christian vote commanding much attention in the media and political circles. With just over a month until the 2024 presidential election, the majority of likely evangelical voters (61%) are voicing support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to Lifeway Research. Just 31% of evangelicals …

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‘Please Save My Life’ — Abducted Nigerian Catholic Priest Pleads For His Life

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, News

Rev. Mikah Suleiman, a parish priest of St. Raymond Catholic Church in Damba, Gusau, Zamfara state, Nigeria, who was recently kidnapped by suspected bandits is pleading for help to regain freedom. In a 51-second video clip trending on social media, Suleiman, dressed in a blue T-shirt with boxer shorts, is seen sitting on the ground …

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I Accepted Christ As My Savior While Serving 8-Year Prison Term

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, Testimonies

I come from a very broken home. My mom was a drug addict who couldn’t hold work. My siblings and I each had a different dad and I bounced around constantly from staying with my dad to aunts and uncles to friends and everywhere. I didn’t have a role model or a strong leader guiding …

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Jim Had No Interest In God Until A Near Death Encounter With Jesus Christ (Video)

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, General, News, Testimonies

Jim Woodford had no interest in God until he experienced God’s miraculous power in our modern world. He was on life support when he received a major wake-up call. “All the things that I thought were just some crazy, old legend. It’s real. It’s a dimension that exists. Something far beyond anything I could have …

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1,435 Thai People Accept Jesus Christ (Video)

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, Events, News, Testimonies, Videos

It was a historical day in Thailand, on Sunday, September 6, 2020, as 1,435 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and were baptized in Phetchabun, Thailand! The #FJCCA องค์กรคริสตจักรไทในพระเยซูคริสต์ baptized 1,435 Thai people in Phetchabun. These new believers came from 4 different provinces. It’s amazing to see hundreds of …

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President Biden Declares Easter Sunday As Transgender Day of Visibility

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, News

US President Joe Biden on Friday, declared Easter Sunday , one of Christianity’s holiest celebrations as “Transgender Day of Visibility,” a day created to honour transgender people and raise awareness of the discrimination they continue to face. In his proclamation on Friday 29th, the President said, “On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and …

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Easter Sunday Among Highest Church Attendance: Survey

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, Church Life, Programs and Events

A recent survey has revealed that Easter Sunday has one of the highest attended Sunday Church services for the vast majority of churches in the United States. The survey, which was carried out by Lifeway Research, and released Tuesday, found that 90% of surveyed Protestant pastors listed Easter as either the most attended Sunday, or …

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From Hinduism To Preacher of Jesus Christ – Vani Marshall’s Incredible Encounter

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, News, Testimonies, Videos

This is one of the most powerful stories you’ll see on the internet today. This is another prove that Jesus Christ is the saving Lord, and He’s on a mission to save, and as the Bible says, He is able to save to the uttermost, those who come to God through Him (Hebrews 7:25). For …

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From Darkness to Light: How Jesus Christ Saved A Buddhist Living In Darkness For Over 30 Years

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, News, Testimonies, Videos

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). I was a Buddhist who was living in darkness for over 30 years. I had dream at 18 …

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I Marked People for Death But God Marked Me for Life

Blog, Christian News Around the Globe, News, Testimonies

It’s easy for a young person to get pulled into the gang life, particularly if there isn’t a strong family unit at home. Casey Diaz joined a gang at an early age and grew to become a notorious gang leader, but the life sent him to prison. Now, he’s helping young people in his community …

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