There is a very great difference between teaching Christians on the prosperity that Jesus Christ has purchased for them and the preaching of money. The salvation you received from God through Jesus Christ is a holistic package which includes your divine health/healing, material, mental, spiritual prosperity, divine protection, divine power, divine wisdom/insight etc. So it …
Miracles are events that are thought to be the product of supernatural intervention in the natural world. They are frequently seen as unusual, paranormal events that defy scientific or natural explanations. Most people see miracles as indications or proof of God’s influence, strength, and presence in the human world. Miracles can come in many different …
I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me. (Phil 4:13 GNT) The Philippian church was a great encouragement and support to the ministry work of Apostle Paul and for this he was always grateful. A time came when he didn’t receive love gifts from them nor did he …
Question Sir I have a friend who is born again and he says he is in love with me but sometimes he asks for sex and he has helped my family in so many ways even financially. I don’t want to hurt him – what should I do? AnswerThanks for confiding in us and from …
What Is Meditation It is a devotional exercise of a continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature. One striking definition of the word to meditate is to keep the mind fixed upon. Hear the scriptures – This book of the law shall not …