This Is Why You Don’t Heal The Sick, Raise The Dead, Or Walk In The Miraculous

Bible Study, Blog, Church Life, Discipleship, Doctrine for Life, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Spiritual Growth

Did you know it doesn’t take a greater amount of the Holy Spirit, and of course, anointing, to raise the dead than it takes to heal a headache? Really? Yes! If this is true, and of course, it’s true; why then do you not raise the dead? Why do you feel healing of cancer is …

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Can A Christian Be Demon Possessed?

Bible Study, Blog, Doctrine for Life, General, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Spiritual Growth

Many Christians, especially those who consider themselves deliverance ministers, have said that Christians can sometimes be possessed by demons, and therefore need deliverance from same. Well, that begs the question, ‘Who exactly is a Christian?’. Answering this question will help us answer the question of whether a Christian can be possessed by a demon. A …

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‘Unity in Diversity’ – Summary of The Bible Study

Bible Study, General, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Spiritual Growth

This is the Summary of Hephzibah Leadership Center’s Bible Study on the topic, Unity in Diversity. Venue: Group’s WhatsApp Platform Topic: Unity in Diversity (Part 4) Question 1 – Since the gifts of God are based on Grace, is there room for personal effort in manifesting these gifts? Answer: Grace has truly been given to …

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Church Life, Doctrine for Life, Spiritual Growth, Wisdom for Living

For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do. (Heb 6:10) To be unjust simply means to be lacking in justice and fairness. In the world that we live in …

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A Study On Holy Ghost And Fire – The Biblical Perspective

Bible Study, Church Life, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Spiritual Growth

The phrase – Holy Ghost Fire as used during prayer in many of our prayer services and even personal prayer times, as a spiritual weapon against our perceived human enemies was not a teaching anywhere in the scriptures, and neither was it practiced anywhere in the scriptures as a weapon of destruction against any human. …

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Abraham And Tithing

Bible Study, General, Spiritual Growth, Wisdom for Living

Gen 14:17-24 GNT When Abram came back from his victory over Chedorlaomer and the other kings, the king of Sodom went out to meet him in Shaveh Valley (also called King’s Valley). 18 And Melchizedek, who was king of Salem and also a priest of the Most High God, brought bread and wine to Abram, …

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The Power Of Christ, My Strength To Win

Bible Study, Church Life, Discipleship, Doctrine for Life, Spiritual Growth

I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me. (Phil 4:13 GNT) The Philippian church was a great encouragement and support to the ministry work of Apostle Paul and for this he was always grateful. A time came when he didn’t receive love gifts from them nor did he …

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Let’s Talk Relationship

Blog, Church Life, Spiritual Growth

Question Sir I have a friend who is born again and he says he is in love with me but sometimes he asks for sex and he has helped my family in so many ways even financially. I don’t want to hurt him – what should I do? AnswerThanks for confiding in us and from …

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