Wisdom For Living – Human Relationship In The Fulfilment of God’s Given Destiny

Bible Study, Blog, Featured, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Relationship, Video, Videos, Wisdom for Living

Human relationship is key and one of the most fundamental gifts God gave to us after salvation, and we must take it very serious. Using the amazing story of the relationship between David and Jonathan as recorded in the book of 1 Samuel chapter 18, Pastor Ihuoma in this series expounded on how Jonathan’s sacrifice …

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From Adam To Noah: The Significance Of Their Names

Bible Study, Blog, Christian History & Biography, Featured, General, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Wisdom for Living

Bible Genealogy From Adam To Noah, A Hidden Prophecy In The Names The line from Adam in Genesis Chapter One all the way to Noah in Genesis Chapter Five was ten generations. If you write out the Hebrew meaning of each of the names from Adam to Noah, you will be shocked to find the …

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Wisdom For Living – The Power Of Forgiveness – 1

Bible Study, Blog, Devotional, Discipleship, Doctrine for Life, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Transcript, Videos, Wisdom for Living

Wisdom For Living – The Power Of Forgiveness – Episode 1 On today’s Wisdom for Living, we will start a series on The Power of Forgiveness. In today’s episode, we’ll look at what the Bible says in Matthew 18:21-22 “Then Peter came to him and asked Lord how often should I forgive someone who sins …

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Wisdom For Living – The Power Of Forgiveness – 2

Bible Study, Blog, Hephzibah Leadership Academy, Wisdom for Living

Wisdom For Living – The Power Of Forgiveness – Episode 2 On today’s Wisdom for Living, we will continue with the series on The Power of Forgiveness. Recommended: The Power Of Forgiveness – Episode 1 (Video / Text) Recommended: The Power Of Forgiveness – Episode 1 (Video / Text)

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Church Life, Doctrine for Life, Spiritual Growth, Wisdom for Living

For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do. (Heb 6:10) To be unjust simply means to be lacking in justice and fairness. In the world that we live in …

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Wisdom For Living – May 7, 2019

Devotional, General, Wisdom for Living

So Jesus said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them, you are truly My disciples. Discipleship is not about belonging to a particular Christian group, rather It is a life long process of learning to be like …

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Wisdom For Living – 001

Bible Study, General, Wisdom for Living

But when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. Doubt is disbelieve or lack of confidence in God, a person, a process or a system. It is natural for humans to doubt, especially their fellow humans because of the lack of integrity and inconsistencies in the human world. Remember that doubt is …

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Wisdom For Living – 21st December, 2018

Devotional, Wisdom for Living

Salvation is a Free gift from God to the entire human race. It has never required the effort of any human from the day Jesus Christ rose triumphantly from the dead and will equally not require the effort of any human till the day Christ comes back to this earth in glory. Hear The Wisdom …

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Wisdom For Living – 20th December, 2018

Devotional, General, Wisdom for Living

The decision to become a child of God was not first your personal decision. God in demonstration of His unexplainable and unconditional Love for the entire human race made that decision long ago and only gave every human the privilege to personally receive this life changing decision He(God) made on behalf of every human when …

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Wisdom For Living – 14th December, 2018

Devotional, Wisdom for Living

Do not spend your time thinking about your past mistakes or failures. Don’t equally allow them overwhelm your heart and set you on the path of frustration and depression. Don’t also be overtaken by your past successes until they become ashes and limit you from setting new goals and achieving them. At every point in …

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