Dear Christian – the more you pray against death, the more you live in fear of death and the more you become a slave of death in your mind.  This is one of the many tricks of the devil imported into the church today.

The power of death is advanced by the fear of dying. The truth you should tell yourself is simply this – we will all die one day but for the christian – death is great gain.

Don’t allow the quest for the wealth of this world lead you into praying against death.
Again, for you the Christian, your life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God.
So when it is not yet your time to depart this world, nothing can take away your life because your life is secured in God.

So stop being afraid of death, stop praying against death. Always remember that Christ has given you life in abundance.
The only responsibility you have is to manage your health well because you need a healthy body to live and enjoy the abundant life Christ has given you here on earth.


Last modified: February 28, 2024