“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).

Joyce-Choy – Buddhism to Christ

I was a Buddhist who was living in darkness for over 30 years. I had dream at 18 and more dreams and vision at 24 until now. I am now at 39. In Dec 2014, my life hits rock bottom and I planned to end my life. I cried out to all the God or Goddess by calling Buddha, Kwan Yin, Allah and Jesus. I asked if there’s a true God please reveal to me if not I will end my life.

In January 2015, I dreamed of a man in white robe taking my hand to walk with him. There were few men walking behind us in light brown robe. I remembered the ancient city he took me to walk with him. I woke up feeling so good but I didn’t understand my dream. In the same month, I had a nightmare where a black transparent shadow in a well built man form appeared in my dream in my bedroom stood behind me and touched my chest.

I was so scared and I tried so hard to wake up. When I managed to wake up I couldnt move my body. I opened my mouth to shout for help but there’s no voice coming out. When I managed to wake up and ran to get help from my mom and sis, they said they didn’t hear I shouted. Then the black shadow stood at my living room looking at me. I shouted ghost ghost ghost. Then my mom opened her bedroom door suddenly the black shadow disappeared.

From Hinduism To Preacher of Jesus Christ – Vani Marshall’s Incredible Encounter

I was traumatized as a Buddhist that time I thought it was a ghost. Three months later in mid April I called out to God again and asked how long I have to wait to know my life purpose. I suddenly thought of a college friend whom I lost contact with 16 years ago. I found her in Facebook.

Then we chatted. She invited me to church. After attending 2 Sunday services I came home to look for a movie about Jesus Christ. It was the same scene I saw in my dream. Then I saw the man in white robe. I didn’t believe it until Jesus carried the cross and I saw the ancient city the man in white robe took me to walk with him in my dream.

It took me 3 months to know and understand Jesus was the man in white robe appeared in my dream.

I Marked People for Death But God Marked Me for Life

I’ve been through few spiritual attacks to witness the power of Jesus Christ’s name. In November 2015, 6 days before my baptism and testimony sharing, I was attacked by evil. I used to dream of a lot of snakes used to be my friend in all my dreams when I was Buddhist. But I was attacked by snake face to face in my dream 6 days before my baptism. I called out the name of Jesus Christ and woke up. I was speechless but happy as I know darkness wanted to stop me from telling the truth. After my baptism, one big changes I experienced was the evil did not step into my bedroom or come near me to scare me. I had more dreams and visions.

In August 2016, God failed my plan A and planted a desire in my heart to go to Myanmar mission trip for the 1st time. I saw a park n a temple I used to dream 1 year ago but I only saw that place on the 5th day of my mission trip in Myanmar. Our God is the true and living God. Praise the Lord! In Feb 2017, I will be joining pastor Bill Wilson to Manila slum areas. I hope to be able to study theology and live my life according to God’s plan.

Credit: Believers Portal

Man Enters Church With Rifle To Kill Worshippers, But Encounters God

From Casting Spells and Channeling Spirits To A Radical Encounter With Jesus Christ

Last modified: March 27, 2024