Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger, who spent decades as a skeptical philosopher, is now an outspoken Christian, embracing Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour.

For Larry, finding faith in God was a surprise, even to him.

“If you did not know this change, and if you knew me before 2020, this might be a surprise,” Sanger wrote in a blog post on February 5th, announcing his conversion to Christianity.

“It is finally time for me to confess and explain, fully and publicly, that I am a Christian,” he wrote in the post, noting it was time for him to unveil his testimony.

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In the post on his website entitled, “How a Skeptical Philosopher Becomes a Christian,” Sanger, who co-founded Wikipedia, revealed how he had lost his childhood faith as a teenager and became a believer in “methodological skepticism.” Over the years, his views began to slowly change as he re-examined the arguments for the existence of God, ultimately leading him to read the entire Bible and convert to Christianity.

“I wasn’t necessarily praying to God, per se, but I had a sort of internal dialogue,” he said. “And sometimes, I even wrote it out …. with some supremely wise being, and, sometimes, I would even call that being ‘God,’ not that I believed that that was God, but in order to just sort of clarify my thought.”

As a boy, Sanger said he often wore out the patience of his parents and other adults in his life by asking complicated theological questions.

He remembers asking his parents one day, “What is the difference between the mind, the spirit and the soul?”

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But sometimes adult figures in his life had a hard time answering these questions. He remembers a certain pastor “brushing him off” after he posed theological questions, which left a bad impression on him and reinforced his skepticism toward God.

As a teen, he came to the conclusion that a person’s worldview shaped the decisions they made, for good or bad. He told himself he would only adopt beliefs he had good reason to believe were true, in order to not make the same catastrophic mistakes he viewed others in his life making.

“I essentially razed all of my beliefs to the ground,” Sanger told Fox News Digital. “That’s what I told myself I was doing… and my belief in God went by the wayside at that time.”

After getting married and having his first child, he began to question his previous belief in rational self-interest, for example.

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“I realized that I would be willing to die for these people… If I was willing to die for my wife and child, then I would be acting in their interest, not my interest,” according to Fox News.

Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger embraces Christianity
Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger embraces Christianity

Over several years, Sanger said his doubts about God began to fall away. He even found himself defending Christians in response to what he saw as an increasingly hostile attitude from atheists toward Christian beliefs.

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He also became intrigued by the occult and the idea of a spirit world. This curiosity led him to read the Bible, cover-to-cover, in about 100 days, to understand its message from a Christian perspective.

To his surprise, Sanger found the Bible could answer all his life questions.

He started to pray to God and eventually accepted Christ as his Savior in 2020. Sanger admitted that he was initially stunned by his conversion. He’s been relatively quiet about his faith until now, he said, because he wanted to feel prepared to articulate his faith and defend it.

Larry Sanger is currently working fon a book project compiling the arguments for the existence of God entitled, “God Exists: A Philosophical Case for the Christian God.”

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Pray for Larry in his new found faith in Jesus Christ that he will be able to totally put his faith in Jesus Christ and to grow in his Christian faith, withstanding temptations and persecutions.

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Last modified: March 11, 2025