Lyrics of the hymn “Give To The Winds Thy Fears”

  1. Give to the winds thy fears,
    Hope and be undismayed;
    God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears;
    God shall lift up thy head.
  2. Through waves and clouds and storms,
    He gently clears the way;
    Wait thou His time, so shall this night
    Soon end in joyous day.
  3. Still heavy is thy heart,
    Still sink thy spirits down?
    Cast off the weight, let fear depart,
    And ev’ry care be gone.
  4. What though thou rules not,
    Yet heav’n, and earth, and hell
    Proclaim, God sitteth on the throne,
    And ruleth all things well.
  5. Leave to His sov’reign sway
    To choose and to command.
    So shalt thou wond’ring own His way,
    How wise, how strong His hand!
  6. Far, far above thy thought
    His counsel shall appear,
    When fully He the work hath wrought,
    That caused thy needless fear.
  7. Thou seest our weakness, Lord,
    Our hearts are known to Thee;
    O lift Thou up the sinking heart,
    Confirm the feeble knee.
  8. Let us in life, in death,
    Thy steadfast truth declare,
    And publish with our latest breath
    Thy love and guardian care.
Last modified: February 18, 2025