Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction? (Amos 3:3)

Having Unity of Purpose or Agreeing on the Direction to focus on is very essential to the success or failure of any organization. To establish a successful organization or partnership, the subject of the Direction To Go must be well spelt out and properly understood by all members of the organization. 

In essence, failure to agree on the direction the organization should go will definitely lead to the failure of such organizations. Hear this wise saying – Whoever fails to plan, has only planned to fail. 

In the marriage organization, it is essential for couples to understand that Agreeing on the Direction their relationship/Family should go is very fundamental to their success or failure. It is very important to understand that your marriage is an organization that will outlive both you and your spouse. Therefore, is very important to spend time together with your spouse to establish the ground rules that will shape the direction your family should follow. These ground rules or principles must be based on the scriptures for you be assured of success at the end of the day.

Always keep in mind that raising a godly family in this present generation will not be easy but will require a lot of hard work, commitment, dedication and patience on the part of the parents who have been given the opportunity and responsibility to raise godly children for Jesus Christ.

Again, it is important to emphasize that in the generation we live in today, there are many things providing and influencing the direction many couples are taking their Family through. Some of these things are are influencing the direction of some families are not godly but yet they are responsible for the negative impact we witness in some relationships/families today. 

As Christian couples, ensure that the Scriptures is the foundation for the direction you are going with your family. Do everything within your power to ensure that you are always in agreement with your spouse and the Holy Spirit on the direction that is best for your marriage and family.

Choosing your marriage’s path together requires honest communication, common objectives, and respect for one another. To guarantee a peaceful journey, couples should talk about and decide on the following important issues:

  1. Vision and Objectives: Define your goals for the marriage, both short- and long-term. It is important to understand the purpose of your marriage which should be communicated through the sharing of the vision and objectives. This could involve lifestyle decisions, goals for both your career and personal life, and how you want to develop as a couple.
  • Romance and Intimacy: Talk about and agree on expectations for both physical and emotional connection to keep the flame burning. Also plan to spend quality time together as often as possible and don’t forget to include regular date evenings.
  • Management of Finance: Decide on your financial objectives, which should include but not limited to; home ownership, retirement planning, and risk management. Equally establish a financial strategy that addresses debt management, investments, savings, and budgeting. 
  • Resolution of Conflicts: Decide on a strategy for resolving disputes and confrontations. Stress transparency, equity, and flexibility. Establish “rules of engagement” for debates in order to guide against harmful conducts or behaviors.
  • Personal Development: Support and encourage one another in pursuits of interests, pastimes, and personal development outside of marriage. Talking about how individuals can follow their passions without sacrificing the partnership is an essential part of the process of building a strong foundation for the success of your family.
  • Life Challenges: Ensure you discuss about potential solutions for life challenges like health problems, losing your job, or relocating to a different city or country to be ready for anything that may come up as you both navigate the marriage journey.

Together, you can build a solid foundation for your marriage by addressing these issues, making sure that both partners feel respected, heard, and on the same page for the journey ahead.

Last modified: March 27, 2024