For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do. (Heb 6:10)

To be unjust simply means to be lacking in justice and fairness. In the world that we live in today, to be unjust is a very familiar word, because different people experience it in different circumstances. Sometimes such actions of injustice or unfairness can be heartbreaking because it can come from people you hold in high esteem.

As humans, sometimes when we go through negative situations or when things are not going the way we actually intended, the devil will want to take advantage of such situations to suggest to us that God is unjust or that He has forgotten us. The devil gives us these suggestions through our thoughts. Always remember that your heart/mind is the center of every spiritual warfare that you will be engaged in. Hear the wisdom of God – Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

That we will go through unpleasant situations on this earth is a fact, hear the words of Jesus Christ – I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33), but always remember that our situations be it negative or positive do not define who God is in your life. Again it is important to emphasis that the victory of Jesus Christ has place every child of God in a position of advantage on this earth irrespective of the circumstance that confronts you.

If our situations do not define God – then be rest assured that He is a Just God. As you go through life, you will discover that humans are given to forgetfulness, sometimes it is done knowingly or at other times it is done unknowingly but God is trustworthy and constant, He will never forget your labours of love.

We sometimes think God has forgotten us or does not see our labours of love done in His service when we only see His reward as material possessions. Make no mistake about it, material possessions are good and they have their place in making our lives comfortable here on earth but they are not the proof of God’s reward or faithfulness in the life of a believer. Beloved, God’s reward is far beyond material possessions. Keep your labours of love going and always do it as Unto The Lord.

Always have it in your heart that God’s reward for your labours of love in His Name is far beyond material possessions.

Love is equally doing kind deed’s to someone even when they don’t deserve it. Caring for other believers is another way to show God how much we love Him. God is not expecting you to have material possessions in abudance before you extend love to other believers. You can start caring and sharing what you have with someone who can’t afford anything.

God didn’t ask you to take His place or become a human god to other believers because you have been blessed with the good fortunes of this world but rather He expects you to do acts of kindness as an extension of His love through you to the persons He brings across your way. Always be assured of this unchangeable fact that God is a just God and He has your best interest heart.

God’s blessings as always


Last modified: March 9, 2024