There is a very great difference between teaching Christians on the prosperity that Jesus Christ has purchased for them and the preaching of money.

The salvation you received from God through Jesus Christ is a holistic package which includes your divine health/healing, material, mental, spiritual prosperity, divine protection, divine power, divine wisdom/insight etc. So it is unscriptural to single out material prosperity from the package and give it new conditions which is not in the original purpose of Christ.
Hear the wisdom of God – You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; rich as he was, he made himself poor for your sake, in order to make you rich by means of his poverty.

The grace that got you born again is the same grace that heals and its also the same grace that prospers Christians materially or in their chosen career or business, it is equally the same grace that makes available all the benefits of the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ to the entire human world.

Therefore when Christians are asked to give money or any material possession in order for God to prosper them, its simply the preaching of money and not the prosperity which is a benefit of been a child of God. Christians give not with the motive to get more because its not consistent with their new nature in Christ.
The same way Christ willingly offered Himself to save humanity from the bondage of the devil, without any promise of what God will give Him in exchange or in return, so do Christians give towards the work of God on this earth. As God also blessed Christ and gave His a Name that is above every other name, He also prospers His children with the best.

Christian giving is done willingly, joyfully, cheerfully, without any form of inducement, without any pressure, without any promise of a huge return in exchange for their giving or as a compensation, but in appreciation for the privilege of being a child of God who lives by the righteous nature of God in this wicked world.

Human Father’s work very hard to provide for their children because its their responsibility  and the children need not give their father’s anything in order for theim to fulfill their obligation towards them. For the children, its both a right and a privilege but for the father its solely his responsibility.

God is far, far, better than any human father and He is up to date always with His Fatherly responsibilities towards all His children.
Hear His comparison with you the human father – Would any of you who are fathers give your son a stone when he asks for bread? 10 Or would you give him a snake when he asks for a fish? 11 As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

Beloved, its always your right and privilege to ask from God the benefits of your new life in Christ which includes among other things Material Prosperity and it is God’s responsibility to as your Father to meet those your needs. Please stop offering money to anyone in order to receive God’s blessings because it is first an insult on His Personality and Integrity, and secondly He will never need your money for anything, He has already blessed you in Christ.

In conclusion, Christians should be the best givers in the whole world because our giving is simply an act of appreciation and a demonstration of love for God.


Last modified: March 8, 2024