Topic:  Immediate Consequences of The Fall of Man Part 2

Text : Gen 3: 6-20

Question 1
What suddenly drove the man and his wife into hiding without God even confronting them with their sin?
The guilt of thier disobedience having eaten the fruit God asked them not to eat and the fear of what God’s response will be to their act of disobedience. Again What made them go intohiding was a change in their nature,  accompanied by a new knowledge of who they have become.

Question 2
In today’s Christianity, do believers go into hiding from God’s presence when they commit sin?
Yes they do, they may not avoid church services, but their prayer and bible study life is affected greatly. In some cases, they also avoid godly gatherings or fellowship.

Question 3
Since God does not come down literary to have fellowship with humans like in the days of Adam and Eve, how can one start hiding from God’s presence since he/she still goes to Church?
By avoiding fellowships, withdrawal from prayers and the study of God’s word, keeping away from christian friends etc

Question 4
From the passage, Was Adam’s response to God’s question right or wrong?
His response wasn’t right because he failed to take responsibility for his action, instead he put the blame on the woman.

Question 5
In today’s Christianity – how should a believer response when the Holy Spirit either through a fellow believer or directly by Himself confronts a believer over an act of sin?
In genuine trembling, a Christian should go broken in heart before God like David, quit the sin, and ask for forgiveness with genuine repentance.

Take Away Lessons
1. Stay away from anything that can change your spiritual nature
2. When you mistakenly fall into sin its not a time to go into hiding and respond wrong, rather its actually a time to go back to God in humility and true repentance.
3. Don’t live in guilt and fear, confront that sin and gain the victory of Christ.

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Last modified: April 24, 2017