Topic: Unity In Diversity Part 2

Question 1 – Is there any believer in the body of Christ that is without a gift?
The scriptural standard is that every believer in Christ has at least a spiritual endowment, ability or potentials called – gift. So it will be wrong for any believer in Christ to say ‘I have no spiritual gift’.

Question 2 – How can a believer discover his/her own spiritual gift?
Immediately you receive salvation you have been endowed with at least a spiritual gift. Receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a step further in discovering your spiritual abilities through the desires the Holy Spirit creates in you. It is equally you’re responsibility to fan gift to flame by exercising yourself in it.
There is nothing special to do to discover the spiritual gift/gifts God has given to you as His child order than to
1. Daily develop your personal relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit
2. Study of God’s word.
3. Put to practice the knowledge of scriptures you have acquired.

Question 3 – Does spiritual gifts have any link with ones desires or what one finds interest in?
When we were in sin, our desires and interest were sinful continuously, but when we came into Christ that encounter changed our desires and interest from that of sin to that of righteousness. So if our desires and interest are righteous then it can be a link to discovering the gift/gifts of God in the life of a believer.

Question 4 – Is the gift/gifts for the benefit of Christ alone?
Not at all, it is also for the benefit of the body of Christ, the vessel being used and the world at large.

Take Away Thought
That gift which God has blessed you with, don’t bury it in order to return it back to God when you die because it will never be needed/useful in heaven. Make the best of it on this earth.

Last modified: July 31, 2017