This is the Summary of Hephzibah Leadership Center’s Bible Study on the topic, Unity in Diversity.

Venue: Group’s WhatsApp Platform

Topic: Unity in Diversity (Part 4)

Question 1 – Since the gifts of God are based on Grace, is there room for personal effort in manifesting these gifts?

Answer: Grace has truly been given to every child of God to do certain things well but it requires your personal input to reveal the Grace given to you. So our personal effort/commitment is very necessary if we must manifest that Grace given to us.

Question 2 – Is faith required to manifest the various gifts or is faith only required to manifest the gift of prophecy?

Answer: Yes faith is required to manifest all the gifts because without faith it is impossible to please God. So we need faith and faith here is not the gift of faith, but it is that measure of faith that Christ has given to all believers in Him. The more you develop your faith, the more it produce results.

Question 3 – Why do some believers find it difficult to function in the gifts given to them by Grace or do we require a level of training to be able?

Answer: Its because most have not truly discovered the gift/gifts at work in their life. Secondly fear is another limiting force if allowed in the life of a believer.
Another limiting force is ignorance and the mentality that, the gifts of the Holy Spirit is not meant for everyone i. e There are specific people the gifts are meant for.
Training which is an aspect of mentorship cannot be over emphasized in helping younger believers discover and function in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We need training in the aspect of learning how to respond to the Holy Spirit when ministering the word and grace is available to function in the gifts.

Question 4 – Let’s pick fear – How can a believer overcome fear in order to function in the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Answer: Every believer must understand that Fear is not of God, rather it is a tool of the devil to torment believers. Rejecting the spirit of fear, speaking out boldly the word and praying in the Holy Ghost will dispel fear and build faith in the believer.
Equally learn to take your eyes off yourself and focus on the giver of the gift, because when you focus on yourself, you will always see inadequacies which creates fear.. But looking on Him, put you on the wings of His strength. He works in you both to will and to do His good pleasure.

Take Away Thought
Buy the truth, invest in the truth but do not sell the truth but labour to give the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ to the world around you.

Last modified: March 7, 2024