Hephzibah Leadership Center Weekly Bible Study on WhatsApp
Summary of last Mondays Bible Study on – The Benefits Of The New Birth
Text: John 3:1-16
It has become very obvious that the subject of the new birth in Christ is crucial and also very essential. The better understanding a believer in Christ has about the new birth experience, the more stable spiritual life he/she will enjoy. Are there benefits a human enjoys through the New birth in Christ relationship. That will be the focus of our study today.
Question 1
Mention the benefits of the New birth in Christ if there are any?
A. Eternal life
B. Divine health
C. Divine protection
D. Victory over sin and the devil
E. The privilege of being a child of God
F. Access to God’s presence
G. The privilege of being righteous here on earth etc.
Question 2
What is eternal life and when will a human start enjoying it?
It is the Godskind of life made available to humans only in Christ and a human starts enjoying it from the point of salvation and it transcends into life after here on earth. And as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up. so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life. {Jn3:14-15 NLT}
Question 3
Is eternal life destructible here on earth?
If eternal is an endless life or everlasting life, then it cannot be destroyed but a human who has the privilege of receiving it can only lose it as a result of living a life of sin. But eternal life is indestructible.
Question 4.
Is it the sin a believers fails to confess or the sin unforgiven by God that makes a believer lose his/her salvation?
Believers are not sinners, so we are not expected to go a minute in any sin done mistakenly without confessing it and asking God for forgiveness. The moment a believer confesses any sin, God automatically forgives and does not remember it again. So there is no room for unforgiven sin with God, but when a believer deliberately continues in sin, then the person becomes a sinner and ultimately loses his/her salvation.
Question 5
What is sin against the Holy Spirit?
Someone who does not believe in Christ/the Holy Spirit cannot sin against the Holy Spirit. Sin against the Holy Spirit is when someone who has experienced the saving grace of Christ through salvation and has equally experienced the power of the Holy Spirit, turns around to deny the existence of Christ/the Holy Spirit. Simply put blasphemy against the Trinity by someone who once believed.
Take Away Thought – The New birth in Christ, is much more than a ticket to heaven, it equally carries with it wonderful promises that will make your life here on earth a meaningful and purposeful one.
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Bible Study Starts by : 6:30pm GMT+1

Last modified: March 27, 2017