Who Is A Christian?

For someone who wants to become a Christisn, it is important to first know, who a Christian really is.

A simple definition of a Christian is a person who follows Jesus Christ.

The word “Christian” first appeared in the book of Acts 11:26, when the first disciples were called Christians in the city of Antioch in the first century A.D. At first, the term “Christian” was intended probably intended to be an insult, however, believers in Christ have over the centuries, adopted the it and use it to identify themselves as followers of Jesus Christ.

The word “Christian” essentially means “little Christ” or “Christ-like.”

How To Become A Christian?

God, in His love has made it exceedingly simple to become a Christian; so simply that you need religion to confuse you or make you misunderstand and reject being a Christian.

History of Christianity In The United States

Becoming a Christian is not all about rituals, going to church, or doing certain things while refraining from other things. Becoming a Christian is all about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ, through faith, is what makes a person a Christian.

All you have to do is receive Jesus as your Savior, accepting His death as the sufficient sacrifice for your sins (John 3:16), and fully trusting Him alone as your Savior (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).

After recieving Christ as your saviour, several days or weeks from now, you might not feel saved. You may begin to wonder if you were ever really saved to start with. You will have doubts—Satan will see to that! But when those thoughts and feelings come, just go back to the Word of God. You will see that it still says the same thing. God never changes and His Word never changes. It is still just as true today as when it was first spoken. People may try to convince you that it doesn’t work. Temptations may come to convince you that it didn’t work. Doubts will come to your mind. But all those things do not alter the fact that God’s Word is true.

God’s Word is the only evidence you have that you are saved, but that is all the evidence you need!

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Last modified: May 8, 2024