Jesus Paid It All” is a cherished Christian hymn that celebrates the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the redemption He offers through His death and resurrection. The lyrics were written by Elvina M. Hall in 1865, and the music was composed by John T. Grape.

Jesus Paid It All

  1. I hear the Savior say,
    “Thy strength indeed is small;
    Child of weakness, watch and pray,
    Find in Me thine all in all.” Refrain:
    Jesus paid it all,
    All to Him I owe;
    Sin had left a crimson stain—
    He washed it white as snow.
  2. For nothing good have I
    Whereby Thy grace to claim—
    I’ll wash my garments white
    In the blood of Calv’ry’s Lamb. Refrain:
    Jesus paid it all,
    All to Him I owe;
    Sin had left a crimson stain—
    He washed it white as snow.
  3. And now complete in Him,
    My robe, His righteousness,
    Close sheltered ’neath His side,
    I am divinely blest. Refrain:
    Jesus paid it all,
    All to Him I owe;
    Sin had left a crimson stain—
    He washed it white as snow.
  4. Lord, now indeed I find
    Thy pow’r, and Thine alone,
    Can change the leper’s spots
    And melt the heart of stone. Refrain:
    Jesus paid it all,
    All to Him I owe;
    Sin had left a crimson stain—
    He washed it white as snow.
  5. When from my dying bed
    My ransomed soul shall rise,
    “Jesus died my soul to save,”
    Shall rend the vaulted skies. Refrain:
    Jesus paid it all,
    All to Him I owe;
    Sin had left a crimson stain—
    He washed it white as snow.
  6. And when before the throne
    I stand in Him complete,
    “Jesus died my soul to save,”
    My lips shall still repeat. Refrain:
    Jesus paid it all,
    All to Him I owe;
    Sin had left a crimson stain—
    He washed it white as snow.

This hymn beautifully expresses the gratitude and awe believers feel for Christ’s sacrifice, which cleanses us from sin and makes us righteous before God. It is often sung in worship services as a reminder of the power of Jesus’ atoning work on the cross.

Last modified: February 2, 2025