Question – Sir, I have heard people say that there is a particular man or woman for a particular person. How true is this?

The idea that there is a particular man for a particular woman has been in the church for a very long time, and this ideology has exposed some Christians to avoidable mistakes in marriage.

This ideology came from Adam marrying Eve.

In the days of Adam before the creation of Eve, Adam was the only human on the earth and when God saw his loneliness and also saw the need for a marriage partner for Adam, He (God) created just One woman called Eve. Adam didn’t have the liberty of choice because both him and Eve where the only humans on earth as at that time, no wonder he exclaimed when he saw her – And the man said, “Finally! One like me,  with bones from my bones and a body from my body. She was taken out of a man,  so I will call her ‘woman. (Gen 2:23 ERV).

The experience of Adam and Eve with respect to how they married is peculiar only to them, therefore, we are not expected to make a doctrine out of it.
As humans began to increase on the earth through procreation, the subject of choice also came into the human world.

At this point, it will be important to establish that there is – particular man for a particular woman in marriage.

Some Christians who were indoctrinated into believing this erroneous doctrine no doubt have issues with there marriages because the marriage was founded on  a doctrine that is unscriptural.

As God’s children, we are at liberty to marry only from the household of God, as long as the two persons desiring to get married have attained some level of maturity—spiritually, emotionally, and financially. There are also health procedures that those desiring to be married are expected to undergo to truly establish their compatibility.
Some crusaders of this wrong and erroneous doctrine have instilled so much fear in the hearts of many singles by teaching that if you miss that particular man or woman you where created to marry, you have ruined your life. So some Christians are only concerned about finding out if he or she is the one created for them and not looking at their spirituality and character.

Therefore, it is untrue and misleading to say that for every man there is a particular woman he must marry and vices versa.

If you are a single and you have believed this erroneous teaching that is unscriptural, we pray that the truth that is contained in this article sets you free now as you receive and believe it in Jesus Christ name – Amen

Last modified: March 2, 2024